General Discussion

General DiscussionYou can win 3k games with 1k mechanical skill

You can win 3k games with 1k mechanical skill in General Discussion
Nile Safelane carry wk with 74 cs in a 31 min game, at 20 min mark he got this blink as first item after treads, but he made all the right call that game, we basically only went for smoke gank into objective after his blink.
    So, plz don't flame your teammates for being a "noob", there is a reason you got queued into the same game.

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      U telling me that wk carried the game?

      Quas Wex Report

        name checks out


          wk has a very strong game sense, while having poor mechanical skills


            Inb4 "WK went support" comments


              no sir they can't
              a single 1k player may be able to win some 3k if he has a good sense and a good team (btw thier team was 4 since AM afk probably)
              i was once 1k now i am 2.6k and i smurfed once before to see how good am i comparing to the old days
              well i was 10 level ahead every other carry and 18 level ahead the supports :)


                Am sold all his item when game was about to end. He raged. Not afk. His farm was decent at some point.


                  I have pretty much the same mechanics as when I was 900 mmr below
                  So yes ofc, but only on servers where communication is feasible

                  Also watched a game recently where the 7.8k lunar had 4k mechanics but his positioning in Teamfights and game sense was pristine

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