General Discussion

General Discussioni am having serious issues

i am having serious issues in General Discussion
\\  VintageR  \\

    hello i am a 4k player that has been fallng down of mmr i have 3.3k right now im having some real issues to deal my teammates are either stupid supports or idk what is going on i lost 600 mmr i need help idk what to do i try to carry the games but for some reason i keep on gettin jungle players or toxic/feeders and for some reason i never get this kind of players as enemies im desperate im fallin into despair with this shit i know i should be in VHS like some time ago but now i just cant deal with dota, i try to give me long breaks after tilt but then i start a game and some guy just instapick hc or mid and says : "mid or feed", then a guy instantly picks offlane then another guy just says gg im afk jungle wtf do i do to get my mmr higher, how much does it worth a 5k account for at least start with fairly good players and then scalate to 7k?

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        how the fuck u losing to 3400 solo carrys if ur 4 k


          Because his team has the faster carry finger, and he obviously can't play support to boost himself to vhs. Lmao


            U will start winning again eventually. Just keep calm mind and try to stay relax. U took a break. But u get insta tilted in your first game back from break. Take ur expectations of how dota should be played, and throw it out the window. And just play to win.


              You deserve your mmr dude.


              You build shit items and abandon. You are bad


                Jacked his recents are full of carries.

                Typical scrub, picks shit like sf has no impact. Brown boots sf..


                  Lmao. Why euls on morph. Did u think u were sf that game? Xd I kid bro. Don't give up and try a support once in a while


                    Boi supporting can be the most frustrating and most rewarding thing in all of dota. When the ganks go well and u dont have only brown boots by 20 min then life is good. But when that does happen and ur lvl 11 by 25 min life sux a fat cock


                      Good supports play a different game. Decision making and positioning become so impt wen u r under farmed. Especially when the game is close, and the carries can't just do stuff on their own, one spell by the support is u need to win game

                      \\  VintageR  \\

                        WELL IN that morph game i get a request on real life so i dissapeared for a moment, but then i return back and we won that game, i get the abbandon tho.
                        right noe doing fine i play 3 games i won 2 of them easily i ahve some issues with my team again but well hope i could find a way to just scalate to 4k again dude hope i could play support but IMO is the most hard role in the game and in 3k is like "im done supporting" honestly i am a good roamer tbh but is like the same ur team demands u wards n shit and i like to carry as i roam like with bh, ogre magi, riki , pudge, mirana.


                          Dont ever think of buying a 5k account, you piece of trash.
                          Just be a trash like me.

                          LockeKappa [ALCHEMY]

                            YOUR TEAM DOES NOT MATTER! Everyone deals with what youre dealing with, just worry about your farm as a HC and you'll win. Get ganked early? Farm jungle, MAKE SURE YOU'RE HITTING YOUR CS. Dont worry about mid, or offlane, MUTE EVERYONE WHO IS NEGATIVE. Odds are if you do all of the above, you'll be doing more than their safelane unless hes way above this MMR.


                              -right now im having some real issues
                              -lost 600 mmr
                              -desperate im fallin into despair with this shit
                              While kids in Africa are starving and trying to survive you are desperate about virtual numbers that nobody cares about?
                              Stop overreacting, life isn't just about MMR

                              LockeKappa [ALCHEMY]

                                I think he's talking about in the context of the game, not in the whole scope of his life. This isn't a save the African discussion thread. Go fly over there and devote your life to their quality of life or shut up. Also disregard any of what I said if you're trolling me.

                                \\  VintageR  \\

                                  dude dont give me the talk of the african kids if it was in my hands i would love to help them all but im an obsessive dota player that cant even reach 4k again so i see 5-6 k players gameplay and i think : "man they are better than me by just details", i can easily follow his steps and reach 4k again then 5k and so on but then i get pissed of by so much toxic players and they are just soo authistic so i get tilted and i know i should mute them all but i dont do it i dont know dude i think that are some real issues, even inside or outside of the game
                                  (80% is 20% haha notail roflmao)


                                    + to bwf
                                    - to extreme, no mercy-evil JBB


                                      I can tell you're a douchebag tilty little kid with an awful attitude. You suck and your attitude sucks, 3k trash pls l2 play


                                        sick thread m8

                                        Kia Boyz Leader

                                          u just suck thats all :D


                                            You are not improving so u get back to 3.5 k. Community is improving constantly while u dont, so u get back to 3k. Simple as that.

                                            I also had your problems on 4.3 k. But I improved my gameplay and can control the game even if we lose all t2s in 20 min mark. I startes winning even with retards in team. Yestarday I had 2 such games while i was playing sven. If u play carry, just farm. If u cannot, go rotate to another lane or jungle. U need the farm to comeback no matter what.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              Which of the 2 Sven games
                                              Of yours should I watch? Sounds like interesting game.


                                                If u really want to waste your lifetime then that hour long from yestarday.


                                                  watch mine im pro ty


                                                    Papa lex. We waste our lives everyday. Everyday we inch closer to our deaths and have gained nothing. Nothing but paleness and mmr. What is life?


                                                      Life is puussy and gettin money.

                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                        Get good, play like a 4k if you want to get to 4k

                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                          1 hour into the game and 4.5k heal as oracle are you fucking kidding me

                                                          NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                                                            Make another account :D

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              I feel your pain. I got a last jungle bloodseeker so I had to solo safe lane spec vs a dual lane razor. Then I have an AA who can't zone out a level 1 veno and doesn't spec chilling touch. So once veno hits level 2-3 wards it's gg no cs. Then your team blames and reports you for having no farm. I think I'm going to spam some supports and just win the fucking lane cus no one else can do it apparently