General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I zone a Silencer as a Lion

How do I zone a Silencer as a Lion in General Discussion
Président® Salted Butter

    Never thought the day would come that I'd say this, but in this game I lost the lane against a fucking solo offlane silencer. I had a very hard time trying to zone that piece of shit (I was a solo support but still, that's probably not an excuse.) I can't trade hits with the fucker, his burst is fucking cancer, a few minutes later pudge came top and well, we could no longer farm. How could I have dealt with him better?

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        go gank mid, try to open space with rotations and let ur solo safe lane deal with that lol at least u r not leeching exo, and is being useful to other lanes


          I'd say since you can't trade effectively, let him get into the lane then bug him by getting an early point in mana drain, and drain him from in the lane outside his attack radius. Then ask for a rotation, your disables plus a jugg spin should've ruined him


            Cuck him real hard bro. That's how u do it


              Dont zone him. Silencer can trade hits all he wants, u gotta kill him with ur carry and maybe a rotation.


                u can trade unfavorably and then jsut rape him with ur carry. all u have to do is give ur carry a boots advantage in this matchup, get level 2, and kill him over and over.

                Pale Mannie

                  sounds like how do i zone out clinkz as kotl without getting face full of arrows.
                  you cant zone people out with an orb.


                    i dont think lion can zone out anyone by himself. your goal is to set up free kill for other guy.