General Discussion

General DiscussionThis GameLeap stuff...

This GameLeap stuff... in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    Okay, so I saw TryMike4Instance talk about Game Leap, and now I see Dota Cinema talk about it in their new video.

    What so you guys think about it?

    It is pointless and just a money grab? Or for people with low self-esteem and lack of confidence in their skills?

    I am curious as to what you, my fellow peers know about this.

    Here is the new vid:

    Ten temat był edytowany

      I mean, I wont deny gameleap has good content, comprehensive guides, and other good shit.
      but You could just get those for free like just watching streams and replays of how pro player's POV which is probably the best way to learn. Or analyse your own games which is also free

      But hey if your willing to spend money to get better why not

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        I am not when you can just watch rtz baby rage, some random Russian dude with 6k mmr that I do not understand when he speaks, and types, but plays great EDM music, or Admiral on twitch.

        That's how I learn a few things here and there.


          I think game-leap has the best guides


            Ima pay 50$ so bsj can tell me to pull at 53


              gameleap has good guides

              but their guides are for people who have not moved at all in mmr, those who can't think for themselves


                The pudge shiet is crazy. Hooking neutral and pulling middle wave into your jungle.

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Okay, I thought so.

                  I think the best comment here is the "pay 50 bucks for someone to tell you to pull camps at 53" lool


                    Dota watafak has the best guide and combo drafts although the dota watafak one has an outdated combo guide such as magnus io and pudge chen. I like that sniper en 1 minuto at the end of that video.

                    And to analyze some match i watch RTZ VOD streams to analyze how he maintain his emotion although he is basically babyrage temperamental. That moment when arteezy trust and motivate alex jugg to carry the game cuz he first picked void and counterpicked aswell...

                    Or singsing streams when he apply ridiculously retarded build such as 12 tranquill on tidehunter lol dat health regen is stack like tarrasque.

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      Havent really seen any of those guides, but I dont think its necessary to pay to get better, I have improved 4k mmr in 2 years without spending a single euro. Anyways if someone wants to pay me I can do some coach I guess.


                        ''you shouldn't pay to git gud''

                        ''who wants to pay me so he can git gud?''


                          I said i dont think its necessary, but necessity varies depending on people, so just saying if someone feels the need to pay someone to believe they are getting better at dota, im your man. Lul


                            half of the people on that site are certified retards (the "pros" and "coaches") and i can assure you 40-50% of the decisions they make are outright wrong. for example bsj is the kind of guy that loses his own lane and then tps to another lane and ruins it for no reason because hes unable to see the bigger picture and demands that people "pull at 53" despite that being the wrong thing to do in at least 40% of instances

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              kr can you give a more concrete example of why it's bad to pull at 53(except obviously enemy stealing it or giving vision of your teammates)