General Discussion

General DiscussionScripts

Scripts in General Discussion

    Is using Invoker AutoHotKey .CFG scripts allowed? I mean does it lead to VAC Ban or not? Could someone clarify it please. Cheers.


      i dont see how u could get banned for it

      Johnny Rico

        yep, scripts to remove the skill cap on heroes can get you vac banned.

        Meppo, techies, invoker, they all get banned, after they put your code into the database you will get vac banned, like they did with a lot of techies scripters.

        Johnny Rico

          lul uses scripts 40% WINRATE


            ^ Not cheats, its .cfg scripts brother...they arent injected into the game. They just bind some keys together like instead of typing qqq for coldsnap, we can press just 1 key.


              Config files are allowed and most pros use them even if just for modifying map or storing camera positions etc mostly gets added to the gui in time.

              Honestly pretty pointless for binding combos. 10mins training and you'd have the muscle memory.

              Johnny Rico

                same as cheats, you remove the skill cap, instead of remembering all the combos you just press one key for each, its like playing a fighting game and have 1 key for the special move.

                many of techies scripts where like that, just scripts without the need to inject into the game.

                PS: if you use cheats like that you will never get good at invoker.

                PS: in official tornaments only courier micro scripts, and camera ones are allowed, if a pro is using the invoker one, he will probably get banned from all valve tournaments.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  What is the camera script??


                    it just moves your camera to an exact spot, my friend had a key that would bring his camera to ancients to stack, but its not much of an advantage if any.

                    hes used it for like 3 years without an issue.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      Hook and roll, can you stop talking about things you know nothing about? You can use any tools provided with the game, any scripts you want to type and utilize and you will never get VAC banned unless you are typing scripts with the intent to force more traffic on the server (update rate commands and some others). The same thing goes with CS:GO and pretty much every valve game. The only reason to get VAC banned is if you are using THIRD PARTY TOOLS. A console that preloads a .cfg file is not a fucking third party tool.

                      Now on the subject of whether it removes the skill cap from the hero, it really does not, it makes it faster to (for example) cast cold snap if ganked since you need one button instead of five. It removes SKILL FLOOR if you are retarded, but not skill cap, because at the top skill level nobody fucking cares whether you are even using a keyboard to play the hero, all it boils down to is how GODLY YOU ARE AT EVERYTHING YOU DO. Luckly, you do not have to bother yourself with that because you, like myself and 99.99% of dota players will never reach skill cap on any moderately high skill cap hero.

                      But then again, it is actually way more practical to just use default binds because you do not have to move your left hand for them and with time you will learn that shit anyway, since it is not rocket science.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        I'd get more confused with my binds compared to playing invoker normally and I'm not even a good invoker


                          i guess it could be good to have a panic button that goes QQWRWWWD. there would definitely be some time saved no matter how fast you can press buttons.


                            why do you need scripts?

                            how bad do you have to be that you can't press 3 buttons

                            are your fingers broken?

                            if your fingers are destroyed, idk why you play dota

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                                Cfg files dont work outside of custom matches and demo mode i think

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  ^they do, you can load them via console, or type all their content in, it doesn't make any difference


                                    @cookie pressing 1 button to invoke ghost walk and put orbs back on wex could be the difference to dying or not. It can take up to 8 buttons without.

                                    That isn't negligible.


                                      @Gazorpazorp they dont. I used to use scripts for meepo before valve outlawed multiple-key-pressing cfgs and console binds


                                        Oh you can't bind combinations of keys anymore?

                                        I thought it was just you couldn't add pauses to stop the perfect euls timings etc

                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                          Watch the PA auto-crit script, its pretty funny xD


                                            Those are 3rd party programs, I believe we can't do that using .cfg scripts.

                                            King Dave

                                              I used to use scripts to play invoker, then I just learnt the spells and found it was easier.

                                              Johnny Rico

                                                @Gazorpazorp are you fucking retarded, there is nothing with forcing server traffic and getting vac banned.

                                                Cs:go can get yuou vac banned with cheats, auto zoom scripts, bunny hopping scripts etc, some of them like the bunny hopping can be forced on the game with just the cfg file.

                                                Same with dota, most of these dont need to be injected in to the game with a third party tool, you just need to code, so you can auto do something as soon its possible, many of these scripts use quick cast, there was one that used items as soon as the enemy appeared on the screen.

                                                You dont know shit you fucking retard, many people were vac banned on dota 1 month ago, because they uploaded many cfgs on their database, many of the quickcast scripts dont work anymore because of that.