General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's your playstyle?

What's your playstyle? in General Discussion

    Regardless of what hero a person is playing, they tend to show habits.

    - MP and QO are crazy aggressive snowballers.
    - Envy stomps early game, throws the lead, then secures it in late game.

    What playstyle habits do you yourself show? I personally am overly cautious all the time.


      let me correct you on something!

      ENVY DOESN'T STOMP EARLY GAME, he's shit all game long

      edit: and im an initiator/re-engager

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        As a carry
        Overly cautious
        Farm oriented
        As a support

        EZ MID 9k mmr

          depends on a drug, good thing heroin is legal here


            I noticed a pattern in majority of my games up until 20 mins I'm performing near perfectly. Then for the next 10-15 minutes the slope is nearly straight and then I either stabilise and go up again and win or go down and lose.

            Dire Wolf

              Afk farmer. Not a very good one though. And tower damager


                Retad feeder. Look at my kda. I don't feel danger going into 5 heroes the same way you pus5ies would. I have intense urges to cast my spells on the first hero in vision.


                  dun like to stick with my team. objective gaming bois. towers and towers and towers while they fight.


                    I'll keep you safe from every bad things that might happen to you

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      can you save anyone from a 9 inch dildyy tho


                        Im farming untill min 60 and try to skip fights when ever i can. Usually i have more tower dmg than all other players together.

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          good farm --> kill one or two --> get overconfident --> feed gold to entire enemy team because of dives --> may either go one of three ways, or a special case

                          first way: i get shit together, close game relatively early 40 mins
                          second way: enemies make use of comeback gold i gave them, we lose
                          third way: my team was competent and my fellow carries close the game themselves
                          special way: there is a fucking techies in the game and every hero reaches level 25; game lasts 70+ mins


                            Throws the lead then secures it late game... lol you're such a punk. Kappa

                            Honestly since I usually play support I like to be the aggressive type player if it allows me too. I literally can't stand playing defensive support anymore.

                            Also playing with my stack we tend to fight more and don't put as much emphasis on split pushing of anything along those lines.

                            I'm also a sucker for crazy teamfight heroes. Getting ult daughter off as CM or Enigma (my two favorites) is refreshing.

                            Edit - Fixed grammar phone fails

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                              Na'Vi General's style.

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                ^which is what


                                  Yea fuk anti split push heroes aka anti fun heroes. If I'm playing split push heroes like am or drow I'll split push till I'm die. No exceptions. Because I hate it when my team is just so passive all the time. Lane pressure is very important boys.


                                    They call me the space maker. That's the only way men play dota tbh. Otherwise u should just play some shit like crystal maiden


                                      Ultimate feeder is my play style


                                        as a 3k player i honestly dont have a defined playstyle

                                        i usually just mimic how pros play the hero im playing

                                        if ever tho, i'd like to be as efficient as possible


                                          going from afk farming to fountain diving "retardedly" fast


                                            I play by the yolo.




                                                I play like an aggressive person molesting chickens

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  Carl, you are an aggressive person molesting chickens


                                                    1. Insta pick Treant
                                                    2. Buys courier, 2 wards, 1 ward for mid, 1 for offlane
                                                    3. Buy a QB and a set of tangoes
                                                    3. Go to jungle (any dense patch of trees)
                                                    4. Cut as deep as you can into the middle with QB and tangoes.
                                                    5. Voila! You are a tree now.

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      6. Enjoy 10 new games of low-priority queue.



                                                        also i mix various playstyles with every hero but it rarely ever works out and i do wrong stuff so there cant be anything called playstyle in my case

                                                        actually i think this applies to everyone below 5k

                                                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                            @arin. Anything can work. Am I out of position? Or am I baiting?


                                                              as a peenoise. me mid. 2 tangos , 1 ward. potang ina mo bobo.


                                                                Still better than peenoise asking for 3 tango

                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                  Teamworker when I have proper teammates. Otherwise I try to farm insanely and carry in thr late game.


                                                                    I find if you don't play this game a heap constantly you forget exactly how different match ups work against each other and how aggressive or passive you can or should be in a lane. Also your map awareness and judgement about whether to engage or not gets a lot dimmer.


                                                                      Get to mid>farm for 30 min>carry 1vs 5
                                                                      See a low hp supp too lazy to kill, get flame my whole team, enemy try to gank me turnaound get 3 kill ez win


                                                                        im massive hero dmg dealer and farmer and tower seiger ...and great suporter i just think all good about me in perfect gonna marry myself

                                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                                          I will save you.


                                                                            I don't even know, feels like I can adapt and swtich to w/e fits the situation best. But I probably have passive early game if my team is not doing any moves or they are feeding. I will just try to get my items asap, split push and delay the game. I'm objective player.


                                                                              Hit creeps, throw games.

                                                                              Dr. Banana

                                                                                Try hard to trade hits in lane, only to get 30 lh in 10 minutes. Then try to push/farm more and only kill people when the fights come to me. It's a different story with slark though.

                                                                                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                                                  Mid : I really try to play safe, to prevent myself over the ganks.
                                                                                  Offlane: all it depends the situation. but most of my matches I play really safe.
                                                                                  Suport: Agressive as fuck.
                                                                                  Carry: split pusher / ganker according the situation / heroes picked.