General Discussion

General Discussiondo you guys still have fun playing dota?

do you guys still have fun playing dota? in General Discussion

    i cant have fun anymore :(


      Not in the last few days, and its finally take its tolls.

      Rip mmr.


        Fun is overrated. Only addiction matters.


          Not really, I lost interest already but I don't know why I keep playing this shtty game! Maybe because it's the only game my PC can handle, 'or' maybe because we play in SEA? Which is toxic as hell!


            Eh go see the venge game on my main


              it feels like a responsibility tbh

              thats why i prefer other games or not playing at all




                  ... Just stop playing its simple i had a 3 Month break lately and back to doto now its more fun than it ever was, even if im only losing<3




                      still had fun but what is fun for us ?


                        dota is a hard game u have to git gud to enjoy


                          i still have fun , if u don't have fun while playing dota don't play it simple

                          just Turbo mode

                            is fun


                              I will only have fun if I get a match of 9 people playing competetently, so no matter if I lose or win, I still enjoy the competitiveness of the entire match
                              THAT, is the reason why I always wanted to improve more and more, and keep playing the game, hoping that one day I will reach the MMR where that kind of games happen

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              Mode adiman

                                u guess winning=fun


                                  I do... playing doto inhouse as drunk 5stack against another drunk 5stack in next room is freaking hilarious :-)

                                  ♂ Гострий картуз

                                    every time im entering dota i want to kill myself


                                      Drunk Dota only way to play

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        It's very fun but losing is frustrating, compounded by the fact that fall compendium quests suck ass.

                                        It's really rough when in a single night you get a support zeus and a nightstalker who doesn't use his skills in one game, last pick offlaners that make no sense and a mid mirana who starts game 7-0 and only manages 390 gpm. You can look at games and say yeah I could've played better but it's also see easy to see the biggest issues in games were specifically other players, it sucks.

                                        I think I'm going to ignore compendium quests for now and just pick what I want. I feel like it's forcing me into subpar picks.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          I honestly should just take a break. I'm only getting 5-6 hours of sleep right now cus of fucking dota. I can't just play one game and go to bed after. It makes me wide awake, especially when I lose and feel like I have to keep playing.

                                          It was ok before fall but now my kid is in preschool so I have to wake up 2 hours earlier than usual.


                                            nvm 5k players actually dont use their spells

                                            Super Speed Snail

                                              I dont know, I enjoy killing heroes in dota. Never really care about winning or mmr. Why I have to play mmr anyway?

                                              That is why I play ganker riki and collecting various kills and godlikes in my inscribed dagger. The exact riki with 3 kda and 44% wr.

                                              Even if I lose, its enough if I collect good amount of kill for that dagger.

                                              Kinda need to find a way to increase kda much much more.

                                              Those are quite normal than a friend of mine that enjoy playing in low prio somehow. Always raking reports when got out of lp just for the sake of it.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                I died first in a team fight vs that stupid nyx so I spent the fight looking at ns and he literally ran around right clicking people with his stun and silence off cd and not using them. I'll have to watch replay or something cus I have no clue who he silenced every fight. It wasn't ever the right target.

                                                the realm's delight

                                                  bitch i might be


                                                    11 win streak, I guess I'm having fun? Or maybe Dota is just a tool I used to avoid real life responsibilities.


                                                      yeah I do. Especially playing Pudge. The fact that your enemy is losing his ass trying to dodge your hook is so fucking hilarious, I enjoy it even if I miss the hook. But when I nail it, oh God, I have kind of small orgazm)))))))))

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        team fight at 52 mins by rosh pit, utterly atrocious. My team smoked which clearly indicates they want to fucking fight. So I blinked on slark, they were too slow to silencer before ulty, but they literally stood on high ground watching me die. If you follow ns that fight he runs around like a chicken with his head cut off, not even right clicking people and he has a basher. It's... I just can't believe this is 3k mmr sometimes, seems more like 1k.


                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                          Dota is still very fun, but only after a long break, i'm taking a break, cause I lost 200 MMR already, I was at 4.7, now 4.5, so before I lose any more, i'm quitting for now.

                                                          The moment you find yourself thinking of it as a chore or start staring at your MMR after every match, win or lose, especially after a loss, that's when you need to stop.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany



                                                              2 days ago i said i am done with dota need to prepare myself to university the next day i pluged in my computer re installed dota played for like 9 hours and 3 hours watching dota and i never studied feelsbadman


                                                                The more difficult game, the more fun even if I lose. I only get triggered by first pick Morph/AM or when people counter themselves. Then games are pretty much one sided and no fun.

                                                                Абсолютно невменяемый уебан

                                                                  Totally no,i m too lazy to delete it.

                                                                  remember to drink water

                                                                    If you're not having fun, take a break

                                                                    Kia Boyz Leader

                                                                      Find some other games or quit for a week. You'll find the excitement when you go back once again.


                                                                        Lost about 300 mmr this week . Gotta figure something out quick


                                                                          I can't have fun playing dota anymore. I, like most people want to gain mmr, and when you get "certain" teammates, it not only ruins your mmr it makes this game not fun. Like your carry Antimage AND Sven not doing shit. I am a total believer that we need to COMPLETELY wipe mmr and start again, cause I'm tired of these 4k- shitheads who don't know what a bkb is.


                                                                            It is hard to, I remember when I used to love dota, and always be excited to play, but the game can boring quickly now. And it only makes it worse that valve barely updates the shit.


                                                                              Come on OP, after playing almost 3k games youre bound to lose some enthusiasm..

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                i still have fun lol

                                                                                dont play it if its not fun


                                                                                  fun is only play with 9 decent players ... intense game not farming game ...

                                                                                  Dr. Banana

                                                                                    You can't have fun because you're visiting this forum.


                                                                                      @taking responsibility just realize , u cant hv fun becoz u are just 1 game away to lost ur blue star ... kappa


                                                                                        DO YOU GUYS STILL HAVE FUN PLAYING DOTA?
                                                                                        Yes, otherwise i wouldn't play at all.

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          rofl filthy your match history looks like mine. morons abound, I just don't get it sometimes.


                                                                                          Look at your last match, I don't know the order of picks but SF mid vs a storm.... and your team has one fucking stun and a hex on lion vs a slark and storm. I get people's fascination with kunkka and timber and the like but those heroes have little lockdown for shit like slark.

                                                                                          It's been story of my life, support snipers feeding, double radiance teams, teams with no stuns vs storm etc. It's fucking horrible, makes me want to delete dota and windows and trash my pc.