General Discussion

General DiscussionKeep losing ranked games; Don't know what to do

Keep losing ranked games; Don't know what to do in General Discussion
Mr. Purple Dood

    First off, I'm a 1.5k scrub so that may be reason enough, however, I just can't seem to win games as of late. It always feels like the other team is more coordinated than mine no matter how well we're doing. I've been trying to recognize what I do wrong and rectify them, like as a support I take too much xp from my carries or as a mid, I don't rotate to help my team when they need it enough. Despite my efforts to get better, I just feel like I'm stuck and will eventually sink back down to where I first calibrated at. I have no clue what I can do, so any advice would be appreciated from veterans who know all too well that I'm being stupid about something I haven't though of.


      First of all no one who plays cores in normal skilled bracket can be trusted ( except me if you know why lmao ), suggest you learn around 3 cores to play, i was 2.5k as well last year and i spammed kunkka, ursa and sven all the way to 3.6k and im 5.2k main today. Good luck.

      Last but not least,

      Taste my cudgel! rofl


        I'll trample your bone to dust, if you had any.


          First off, I'm a 1.5k scrub so that may be reason enough, however, I just can't seem to win games as of late. It always feels like the other team is more coordinated than mine no matter how well we're doing.

          i sometimes smurf in low mmr, and i'm yet to see one competent player there that can actually co-ordinate ANYTHING

          I've been trying to recognize what I do wrong and rectify them, like as a support I take too much xp from my carries or as a mid, I don't rotate to help my team when they need it enough. Despite my efforts to get better, I just feel like I'm stuck and will eventually sink back down to where I first calibrated at. I have no clue what I can do, so any advice would be appreciated from veterans who know all too well that I'm being stupid about something I haven't though of.

          you are being blocked by that thought of losing mmr, you shouldn't care about your mmr. just care about your skill, which will determine your mmr.

          so now for the objective part:

          what i can see from here is:

          1. you die too much

          2. your item builds are outdated and illogical towards your game/position/role

          3. your avg matches are 40+ min, meaning you don't have any plan on what you want to do

          4. you're uselessly versatile, you should pick 2-3 heroes and just learn them, master them and most of all SPAM THEM only

          after you've gotten like 1k+ mmr from those heroes, you can then add a new hero every 1k mmr to your hero pool.

          make sure you only chose 2 roles which are complementary

          5. incredibly low gpm.

          6. 1k+ matches and no improvement, you can't expect improvement to come passively by itself; it will never happen, you'll always be 1k.

          you need to actually take your time and practice if you want higher mmr


            Better get the necro book build on arc warden on tour bracket. U can win every game with it till 4k.


              DON'T BUILD NECRO ON ARC

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                Just keep playing, your mmr will increase when you chill. Don't let it get to you. Just today I had a 4 lose streak after having a 6 win streak, and now I have a 3 win streak, looking for another game. Hopefully I did not jinx the win streak lool

                Luck does come into play, but 3,000mmr and under is risky. Do not trust the cores, do not listen to them, just play, and watch pros stream, and try watching tournaments.

                2 years and some change ago I first started playing and calibrated to 1.6, the lowest I have ever been was 1.4. I am 3.6 solo now and rising.

                Just takes practice. Also, I recommend sticking to one server instead of multiple since you will recognize players you do not really want to be matched with easier and faster. Otherwise queing for two servers, well, that makes it harder.

                US East imo is a shit server. It is extremely hit or miss with the teams you get paired with, well, with the teams I get paired with.

                I love US West. There is a nice balance there. But for some reason, as soon as I queue US East because someone wants to do party ranked, I lose party mmr lool.

                Just keep playing, keep practicing, keep learning, be honest with yourself and you will improve. It takes time, brain power, and effort

                It can get rough, but do not give up, don't let it get you down, and learn to ease up and smile :smile:

                NOTE: I used to be extremely toxic and rage-a-holic, took two years for me to chill out. Now if I lose, I just accept it and move on. Try not to play the blame game. It's a team game, so even if it is someone else's fault, just keep it to yourself. Pointing it out will only cause an argument and give you, that person, and even your team a major headache. And what are the three things again? Time, brain power, effort. Arguements cause stress with fucks with you mentally which means you will not be at your a-game and will make lots of mistakes.

                Hope all this helps! :happy:


                  Versatility is pretty useless in low/normal bracket m8. Just spam your favourite hero as your hero is your waifu (if your hero is girl) i can 10 winstreak in normal bracket by spamming lina

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    Cookie could you provide me your game id number? I wish to watch some of your arc warden's replays.


                      Play like you're the only one who can win the game
                      Find your own mistakes and fix them, and try to never repeat it ever again
                      Learn game mechanics (purges, creep aggro, camp stack timings, cooldowns, etc)
                      Everything is situational, dont be a cuck who only build EXACTLY THE SAME FUCKING BUILD every time only to get wrecked because he's a one dimensional fuck

                      Lord Chips

                        Choose 3-5 heroes from 2 roles that you want to play. Play them only - this will better your mechanical skill. (For me it takes atleast 50 games on each hero to get comfortable with it)
                        Once you are comfortable with the hero, you can start thinking about things like: should I have fought there?; should I have backed there?; etc.

                        After every loss try to think of stuff you did wrong that lost you the game (if your skill level is higher than your mmr, in 90% of games it will be your fault you lost the game). Did you fight when you needed to farm? Did you farm when you needed to fight? Did you die in a fight when you didn't have to?

                        In most of my games (read atleast 80%) it is just one or two major mistakes that cost me the game.

                        P.S. They have a counter for the hero you chose? - Doesn't matter! If you are better than your mmr, you will be able to play around it. And next time, when there isn's a counter in the game it will be ggez.