General Discussion

General Discussionvery very high skill game with 0 tower damage

very very high skill game with 0 tower damage in General Discussion

    Look at this. Arcwarden was inyourdream and idk how much avrg mmr was the game but 0 twr dmg... at least 1 ? no


      Hey, it's almost like the skill level between the teams is even and one played better than the other to the point where the other doesn't know how to deal with it which is why they're in the mmr they are??

      Or do you think high mmr players for some reason highly out class high mmr players of their own mmr?



        casual gamer

          half of them are 4ks


            ^^ he meant arc warden didnt let enemy team even look at the towers

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              i meant look at the kills its not even that huge gap between.
              cant they touch a tower even for just 4-5 hits ?

              and yeah that ac obviously own the game 42 out of 45 kills


                even for low skills we still hit the tower :D

                casual gamer

                  ^ its because of arc warden buble


                    well it makes sense now hehehe