General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions about calibrating/ranked

Questions about calibrating/ranked in General Discussion
Dr. Banana

    1. If I play a calibration match as a 5 stack, will that go towards party or solo MMR?

    2. If I play a calibration match with 1,2 or 3 friends (basically a party of 2,3 or 4), will that go towards party or solo?

    3. If I play a ranked match with max 4 players but not 5 (basically what I said in point 2.), will that go towards my solo or party MMR?


      all of you said just party...............


        1. party
        2. party
        3. party, impossible

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          i'll give u my account if u manage to play ranked in a 4 stack