General Discussion

General Discussionomni vs io

omni vs io in General Discussion

    In the numbers is it 60% vs 35% global winrate.
    IO lost 3% since 6.88e after, lets say small nerf on relocate but that guy omni who was on 60% WR already got a buff, its buff for me couse cast time from 0.5 to 0.35 is very significant, now he is able cast repel and save heroes much easier, that cast time on his first spell been also buff some patch ago...omni is still on same WR but he is getting be much better in my eyes....

    Now Io - that small lighting ball getting nerfs just as i remember, he will never be popular on pubs if valve going that way, io have a huge skill cap but the question is if 35% global wr is still ok, i would say its not ok couse this hero is just something what you usually dont see on pubs till 5k, so im just quite sad ppl on normal skill dont know about for me most fun hero to play, you literally have to be 5k couse under ppl dont know how io works, i spam him on 2k and if i will not talk to ppl about every step what i do my WR would be like 10% so buff io, rework io or whatever make wisp viable on lower mmr

    I think icefrog spam omni on his smurf....

    casual gamer

      because wisp can fundamentally break the game, all of wisps skills are absolutely fantastic and with proper coordination it's almost impossible to play against

      thats why you can find people who have a shitton of wisp games at high mmr and absurd winrates, any dedicated duo queue wisp combo can wreck shop

      omni is the complete opposite, amazing hero in pubs but univerally considered shit in competitive play

      im hoping icefraud just gives omni a huge nerf and then makes either repel or guardian angel unpurgeable


        I like omni as he is now, just sad when i see buffing him and other hero with -25% WR getting nerfed....

        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

          2wisp > 1 omni?


            Stop playing IO in 2k

            ?.Stock @zzo

              If u look at the meta trends u will see that in >5k bracket IO gets a >52% of win rate. If teams are more coordinated Io is a beast that doesn't lose its utility late game, so it will always be first pick\ban material for pros.


                pub omni was nerfed, not buffed