General Discussion

General Discussioni actually dontr understand why i always get throwers on my fucking team

i actually dontr understand why i always get throwers on my fucking team in General Discussion

    every fucking game i hand the victory to them on a fucking golden plate and they just THROW FOR NO FUCKING REASON


      There is not a whole lot you can actually do about that, to be quite honest

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      BSJ. LGD

        every fucking loss without fucking exception


          ironic name is ironic

          2k indog monkey

            Carry teh gaem
            Every loss happens because you couldn't carry hard enough
            Or the draft fucked up


              somegames we can't win.. just try bring more positivity for ur next game.. GL sir..


                be positive.
                yesterday i had a game with ALL carry draft (even vengeful is carry)
                with literally NO ward (even the one who fly cour is me as medusa)
                and luna got DC after feeding jug in lane and then comeback then he is rage bcs the item sell out (he dc more than 10 mins)
                luna start to feeding
                but we won that game


                  oh shit, you are 5k my comment from high skill bracket won't satisfied you. sorry for my stupid comment