General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you feel about this Battle Pass?

How do you feel about this Battle Pass? in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    Just 60 levels, no buying levels, just simple, grind to get to 60. This is nice. I hope future battle passes are this simple. Obviously Ti7 will probably have 2000 levels again, or some huge money grabber.

    What do you guys think of this battle pass so far?

    Johnny Rico

      its easy to get 60 lvls, but you wont get all treasures, you only get 12 of the 20


        I dont mind, buy those pass just for support icefrog what we will do if no dota here? 😃

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          Very true. I just really like how it is simple, and yeah you don't get all needed to get the sets you want, but you can spend a little more to do that. If you want one of the super rares though, good luck lool


            is the am set tradable?

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              I don't think so, at least not right away. Usually the Ultra Rare sets (which is Warlock's) can be sold ASAP, and is recommended to get the most money out if it.


                treasure one sets sucks ass tbh,why release another ns set when the first one was already badass enough lol. And we already have an infused veno set so releasing another one is just plain stupid, other sets in the box are meh. But the sets in the paths are pretty sweet tbh, i like them all 3.

                Livin' Real Good

                  It's an absolute cash grab, no effort went into this Battle pass.

                  Just a bunch of reused props, half assed sets created by the art team. Community made sets are 100x better, these are probably the worst sets I have ever seen. I think even the rare and extremely rare sets are garbage. (Yes, even the Anti Mage one is okay AT BEST) If someone showed me that Anti Mage set for the first time, I wouldn't believe them if they said it was rare. Oh, and zero immortals.

                  The only good things that came out of this Battle Pass was one or two good loading screens, and the Autumn map.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    ^ that razor set is sick tho, but razor is garbage atm so


                      Omni has a halo. need i say more


                        Worthless, just give us the next patch nobody wants this shit

                        2k indog monkey

                          Shit cosmetics = not worth to get imo


                            Literally only am has a good set rest is ass