General Discussion

General Discussionsniper in ur team 2k-3k is insta lose

sniper in ur team 2k-3k is insta lose in General Discussion

    so try to ban that hero everytime you can so your team hopefully wont pick it , especially when hes picked mid or offlane in this low mmr games its ez -25 & he goes in a feeding spree , this hero despite looking ez to play is not for fucking downy twats with 0 map awareness & poor last hitting skills , he has very low hp & no escape ability which make him easy to gank , & his low base dmg & poor animation make last hitting with him only for those who played him ALOT.

    SO FOR FUCK SAKE , stop fucking picking him & going 4 malestorm with no str item & fucking runing around with 1k hp @ 30 min mark , fucking everytime a sniper goes for maelstorm ( sometimes they go for fucking 4 maelstorm with treads , FUCKING 4 ) instead of dragon lance as first item its a fucking loss

    i think my winrate with sniper in my team is like 10% or smth , only time i win with him in my team is if im playing riki & im constantly ganking his lane so he doesnt feed to africa

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Offlane Sniper works fine as a support with another offlane hero.


        sniper works fine as a whole , its not a fucking bad hero just low mmr players can't & shouldn't play him because they dont have map awareness & they'll do like 10 last hits with him in lane because of his low base dmg , fucking understand the topic ( i'd say you need atleast 4k+ mmr to pick sniper & use him properly )

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          also treads is a sign of a bad sniper player , phase boots r better 99%


            but its my favorite hero :(

            I think sniper is good situationally

            also the best build is phase aquila mom dragon lance u can almost always get away and i always max shrapnel now

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              i can understand going maelstorm to speed up farm , but pls don't leave the fucking jungle with that maelstorm unless you farmed dragon lance or sny , you can't fucking run around with no hp , also going for multiple maelstorms & i will wish death on your family

              Dire Wolf

                You lose one match with a sniper on your team and extrapolate that to never pick sniper in your bracket?


                Of course you're going to lose, you picked jungle lc and a combo of luna, sniper, zeus and a bh. That means every lane is basically solo if bh roams at all and you're vs an axe and sven. That's just asking to get your ass kicked. You had nothing to protect or make space for any of your carries.

                Sniper's build is trolly, but treads can be ok sometimes. Maelstrom as a first item is just bad right now though. I think the only opening is really boots, aquila, dragon lane, s&y. Then you'll be pretty tanky, have extra range and some move speed. If you want to go mjollnir after that it's fine.

                Sniper is good he just needs a team really built around him. As a mid he is so easy to gank and dive so you have to have supports ready to tp in and back him up. Like an ogre magic and lion on speeddial basically. And he needs to be a later pick cus heroes like bh, riki will camp him mid and heroes like storm, lc, spectre can just dive him.

                Safe lane I think is a lot easier right now, trilane even to really protect him. And then in team fights you need front liners so he can dish dmg like tide, axe, centaur, slardar. But he's pretty fucking sick when all goes right and one of the best highground defenders.

                Dire Wolf

                  Mask of madness is terrible. Most lifesteal is terrible on sniper.


                    yes i usually always go maelstorm to skadi after mom and dragon lance its really good in the team fights 2

                    mom gives u lots of movespeed with phase and dps

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                    dead inside

                      I'm 2k. And also hate sniper pick in my team, too much burden so hard to carry him. I think we have same issue here.


                        actually that is the only bracket where sniper have a real fair chance to snowball hard and win lol
                        i used to pick sniper the last 2 months using my friend account


                          ok my bad ( i know its all what this website want to hear from ppl who make topics ) but we won laning stage & i ganked sven 2 times in lane with luna , as you can see im not complaining about my team just about sniper pickers , we lost because sven farmed & they started 5 maning & raping sniper anus everytime cuz he had 1k hp. Can you not act like i only made this topic because of that game? it was just the cherry on the cake because i was fed up with this sniper picks that fails 99% of the time.


                            I hardly play sniper anymore because 2 many most picked heros hard counter him. but situationally sniper is great

                            Thing I hate when playing sniper is when u got no map vision well for any hero/ game so i usually get a ward and sentry to put where i think um going to be

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              Best first item for Sniper is Arcane Boots or Orchid.


                                idk what you idiots are talking about

                                picks don't matter in low mmr.


                                  it does matter if your not already a 3k player going in a 1k game

                                  same thing for like 5k dude going in a 3k game it wont matter what u pick because u already have a huge skill gap

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    The Rider ---> 45% winrate on sniper , says its the best bracket to pick him. Ye man how about no, i have a higher winrate with sniper & i think its absolute garbage in 2k 3k


                                      everyone is picking stuff like riki pa slark pudge.. so it sucks to be sniper player right now.


                                        ppl who play at 2k 3k knows the issue that im talking about , the others ( 5k players seeking attention & ego boost through this forums ) refrain yourself from posting


                                          idk i think 3k players are way better then me. i dont see why they would pick sniper in a bad situation


                                            trust me 3k players r no different than 1k or 2k player they only last hit slightly better , they still have no clue what to pick & what to do in given situation


                                              exactly, it doesn't matter at all. a 5k in 3k would win regardless of pick.

                                              but here's the case from this post.

                                              that 2-3k is bitching about picks because HE HAS NO SKILL

                                              keep bitching, bitches

                                              p.s your winrate with a sniper on your team is 54.17%

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                rofl how would a 3k player play like a 5k in order to win a 3k match , if i played like a 5k i would be 5k don't you fucking think you fucking idiot? Maybe people try to learn little by little & not seeking coaching or boosting like most idiots in this community do , there is no way someone in 3k know how to play like a 5k if he never experienced playing in 5k , actually your arguement is invalid because if i need to play like a 5k to win a 3k game something is fucking wrong isn't it ? YES IT IS , It fucking means that you have proven my point & that games where you have sniper in your team ARE FUCKING HARDER TO WIN BECAUSE THAT SHIT NEED MORE SPACE THAN A FUCKING SPECTRE WITH RADIANCE AS FIRST ITEM. Have a good night idiot.


                                                  yes you are right i have damn low win rate with sniper but first i rarly play him using this account and 33 matches are not good enough as a static sample
                                                  the main reason that when i started playing dota a friend of mine who was 700 mmr that time -Advised- me to always first pick sniper cause he is so popular :) and i did so back the days when i have no clue about anything (dont even know about UAM).
                                                  my sniper winrate started to improve the last few months but i stopped dota cause of collage

                                                  TL DR i started as trash with trash skills and improved later :)


                                                    i said a 5k would win in 3k, and obviously if you played like a 5k you'd get to 5k. all you did is make an excuse to not get to 5k.

                                                    isn't it so easy to blame teammates, but never take responsibility and always stay a 3k shitstain?


                                                      Sniper needs no space, he actually creates space.


                                                        how am i always a 3k shitstain if i only started dota 9 month ago???? did you start dota & first day become a 5k player? Rofl everyone has to start from the bottom, & no i dont blame team mates , i only blame sniper pickers who go 4 malestorm & no stat items ( im pretty sure if u had a sniper like that u would QQ aswell ) , im willing to take any advice about what i did wrong that game ( because im sure as fuck i did everyone make mistakes ) BUT YOU CAN'T REMOVE FROM MY HEAD that sniper pickers are fucking idiots

                                                        @soultrap : sniper need babysitting in lane by either a support or someone who gank his lane 24/7 , hence why i only win with him when i play riki

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          And what makes Sniper different from other cores? They all need some level of babysitting. Actually Sniper needs less babysitting, simply because he is ranged.


                                                            '' i don't want to point any fingers, but Bob did it''


                                                              the problem is you're speaking about good sniper players , but bad sniper players ( who are the majority in my bracket ) won't create any space , they will last hit poorly in lane , have no farm , overextend in their lane & get ganked from enemy woods ( because yo they pick sniper offlane when they have no map awareness ) respawn tp again in their lane & die , rinse & repeat.

                                                              Mid game starts , sniper because of his poor last hitting & poor map awareness have very few to no items , he probably has brown boots & some fragment of item to make his so loved maelstorm , he retreat to the jungle to try & get some farm but little does he know that enemy team can come to the said jungle & gank him again ,but this rarely happen because hey , we're talking shit tier , so hes there farming & farming with his low farming speed , it'll take hime probably 20min to make that holy maelstorm that he cherish above everything else , little sniper think hes ready to strike , he goes to team fights with 1k hp & boom dead again. Little poor sniper shout "omg they focusing me" , yeah no shit idiot


                                                                the problem with that is that you don't understand that it doesn't apply only to sniper.

                                                                it's that you're SO GODAMN fucking tunneled on sniper that you don't see the hole in that logic.

                                                                protip: never focus on the hero, focus on the player

                                                                if we follow your logic(which i agree with, but you're too blind to realize it yourself because you're tunnel visioning on sniper)

                                                                we can apply this to any player in your bracket playing any hero, all we have to do is replace the word sniper with any other hero in the post you just wrote above.


                                                                the problem is you're speaking about good ARC players , but bad ARC players ( who are the majority in my bracket ) won't create any space , they will last hit poorly in lane , have no farm , overextend in their lane & get ganked from enemy woods ( because yo they pick ARC offlane when they have no map awareness ) respawn tp again in their lane & die , rinse & repeat.

                                                                Mid game starts , ARC because of his poor last hitting & poor map awareness have very few to no items , he probably has brown boots & some fragment of item to make his so loved maelstorm , he retreat to the jungle to try & get some farm but little does he know that enemy team can come to the said jungle & gank him again ,but this rarely happen because hey , we're talking shit tier , so hes there farming & farming with his low farming speed , it'll take hime probably 20min to make that holy maelstorm that he cherish above everything else , little ARCthink hes ready to strike , he goes to team fights with 1k hp & boom dead again. Little poor ARC shout "omg they focusing me" , yeah no shit idiot

                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                  I'll bet 5000000£ that everyone agree with me ( unless you're one of the sniper maelstorm picker ) that maelstorm is a terrible item on him early game & that dragon lance or other stat item should be rushed ( after aquila & phase ) but they don't want say it because its so cool to bash ppl who make topics ;)

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Just ignore everything soultrap says. He plays sniper as a support spamming ult and shrapnel and builds octarine core. Maybe it works out ok for him but every normal player would report that shit in an instant.

                                                                    Sniper needs space cus he has zero escapes, not that much dmg early and is squishy. He's extremely easy to dive. All he can do is shrapnel the tower and run around it until he dies or help comes. Compare to spectre, spectre has at least dagger and ult to escape and dispersion makes him a lot tankier than sniper. Compared to drow, drow has frost arrows and a silence/knockback, plus at level 6 she will straight up kill you if you dive her without gap closers. Compared to sf, sf is in a similar shitty boat, but at least if sf has maxed raze he can still kill you very fast if you don't dodge them. Slark? Slark has multiple escapes. Medusa? Tanky as fuck with mana shield, ult to escape. Jug? Spin escape, ward. Sven? Stun and tons of armor. Should I keep going? Only SF is on the same level of gankable as sniper is.

                                                                    Mask of madness move speed got nerfed. If you buy it for that you need to reevaluate your choices. Skadi is a nice finishing item on sniper but you will lack too much for early dps and build up is horrible. Just go s&y for stats.


                                                                      you know why im focusing on sniper ? because let's fucking replace the sniper with a sven , let's say sven had poor farm , still has poor map awareness , die in lane constantly & feed , he goes to jungle & farm slowly but surely , mid game hits , the noob sven atleast has hotd treads & echo sabre , he goes to team fight & guess what ? HE CAN STILL BE USEFUL with his stun & ulti to do some dmg & win the fight , this doesn't apply to sniper , sniper need to fucking do well in lane or that his team drafted around him good enough that they can 4v5 till end game hits & then even if he has 5 maelstorm he'll do good in defending t3 because of his godlike range


                                                                        i don't agree with you, i agree with the flow of the logic behind bad players, not sniper players.

                                                                        i'm trying for you to get my logic, it's just that you're so godamn tunneled like a moron that it's fucking surreal.


                                                                        I'll bet 5000000£ that everyone agree with me ( unless you're one of the ANTIMAGE IRON BRANCH picker ) that IRON BRANCH is a terrible item on him early game & that dragon lance or other stat item should be rushed ( after RAPIER & drums ) but they don't want say it because its so cool to bash ppl who make topics ;)


                                                                          you know i can keep going with this forever if you want

                                                                          we can just swap sven with sniper from your last message

                                                                          because a sniper with maelstorm can farm just as easily as a sven

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                          M U R D E R

                                                                            lance yasha shadowblade diffusal is decnt on sniper. and they can only kill you early if they dive t1 t2 and only if your team dont tp

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Well no sven farms better than sniper with maelstrom, but that's not really the point, both can find farm, it is about players. And a sven with just dominator and echo late is way crappier than a sniper dude wtf are you talking about? Sniper can hang back and shrapnel, defend high ground forever with just maelstrom. Sven will go in and get kited and die.


                                                                                i said as easily, not as fast. but yea, i agree, it's never the hero

                                                                                it's always the player


                                                                                  ^ i didnt say late man i said mid game when the fights starts happening , i did say late game sniper is scary at defending t3 even if he goes 5 maelstorm but your team has to put you on their fucking back & carry the shit out of you 4v5 throughout the whole game , in the case of sven not rlly , sven can jump in & help in team fights with LESS ITEMS than sniper


                                                                                    Just ignore everything Dire Wolf says. He forgot how he completely destroyed Snipers in early game, just to see their comebacks after 60 minutes of turtling.

                                                                                    P.S. Oh wait, I think he starts to remember something... =)

                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                      Lol! Unlike Sven, Sniper needs NO ITEMS to be useful, only levels.


                                                                                        you're making this too easy:

                                                                                        ^ i didnt say late man i said mid game when the fights starts happening , i did say late game ANTIMAGE is scary at defending t3 even if he goes 5 BATTLEFURY but your team has to put you on their fucking back & carry the shit out of you 4v5 throughout the whole game , in the case of TEMPLAR ASSASIN not rlly , TEMPLAR ASSASIN can jump in & help in team fights with LESS ITEMS than ANTIMAGE

                                                                                        you're making this too eazy, step up your game


                                                                                          xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD wow cookie you're too fucking stubborn man , i hope one day you'll get a 5 maelstorm sniper that will go to team fight with 1k hp & keep dying


                                                                                            xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD wow Guétàlx- you're too fucking stubborn man , i hope one day you'll get a 5 IRON BRANCH CRYSTAL MAIDEN that will go to team fight with 1k hp & keep dying

                                                                                            too easy, either give a valid counter argument or at least try to not make it so easy


                                                                                              give me any other shit build that is game losing on any other hero except maelstorm sniper & i will gladly shut the fuck up , it has to be AS GAME LOSING as is the stacking maelstorm shit ( dont say vlads ursa or other retarded shit that are not game losing like in the other topic about game losing builds )


                                                                                                if you say 5 iron branch CM your counter arguementing your self bro , you're the one making it too ez for me to proove you're wrong , a 5 iron brach crystal maiden is obviously trolling & want to lose the game , a 5 maelstorm sniper in the other hand ... no wait a second it doesnt even need to be 5 , just a maelstorm sniper as first item is actually not trolling & hes trying to win thinking its the right build but he has no idea tht hes about to get 2 shot in team fights


                                                                                                  have you ever seen my arc?

                                                                                                  mjolnir stack as much as i can.

                                                                                                  give me any other shit build that is game losing on any other hero except HEADRESS RECEPIE SHADOWFIEND & i will gladly shut the fuck up

                                                                                                  too ez^^


                                                                                                    lol your last message, that moment when you realize your argument breaks down mid sentance XDDD



                                                                                                        also stop with the 5 bfury anti mage pls , have u ever had an AM go that build in a game ? no nobody does ur just making it up , stacking maelstorm in the other hand happens way too often & i can link you atleast 4 games with that shit