General Discussion

General DiscussionSevere FPS Drop

Severe FPS Drop in General Discussion

    Hey guys. Did anyone experience a sudden and massive fps drop recently? Mine went from 110+ to 60 and wont go any higher regardless of the graphic settings. Vsync is off in game as well as in the Nvidia driver. Drivers updated, windows update reverted but no change.
    Changing max fps via console drops it if i set it less than 60 but setting it higher caps it at 60 again. I read about an auto exec cfg file but i haven't found it anywhere. And im getting a bunch of access violation errors too. Any advice?

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        Yes I did, I dropped some massive FPS just now, I played Overwatch just fine right now, and another game, they run just fine, dota is the only one.


          @positivity i installed OpenGL after the drop to try and fix it. No luck either way.
          @dota2 its frustrating the hell out of me. :(


            Ddoss attacks do happen and nothing you can actually do about it sometimes they just have your IP right on top of their monitor

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