General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do so many ppl play lc jungle

why do so many ppl play lc jungle in General Discussion
deep name + dark anime pfp

    kill me now


      You pick it when ur mad on ur Team bec they stole ur role 4 times and expect u to pos 5 lane sup boring shit
      So u pick lc and dont Care that ur now at a Chance of 30% to win


        Mostly these type of ppl play jungle LC
        1. mid, carry & offlane have already been picked. And he doesn't want to supp.
        2. ppl with low morale/confidence...just go farm jungle without interruption (unless opponent pick Riki/BH)


          It's the best 1v9 hero other than mid if you have a solid junglle farming pattern

          casual gamer

            its really fun and you can actually win the game by killing mid at 7 mins with blink duel lol


              In my sea games people actually call for a jungler al the time. I Duno what u r crying about


                Junglers are soo easy to punish, Either have a support fuck with them, or just push early. In lower bracket games, people dont do this they just let the lc pickers mindlessly farm their dag/sb, and what happens is the lc gets super fat and snowballs, thus game is lost bois.


                  Dumb junglers are easy to punish. Otherwise u can actually waste supports time by have them trying to chase u around the jungle while his carry gets whooped by the offlaner


                    lanes = lost
                    there tends to be 999 heroes in mid, mid cant use jungle
                    then theres legion who comes to duel which everybody predicted already and fails it and gg


                      Because lc that has at least some brain cells is totally self-sufficient and does not go below 70% hp without buying tangos or clarities while farming woods nonstop. Unfortunately, like Riki or Techies she is easy to counter and becomes completely useless if your team sucks or enemy team has supports with a semblance of brain.

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                      casual gamer

                        riki does not become useless just because people buy sentries

                        usually riki will camp mid and the second u place one he will fucking eat it. over and over and over and over and over

                        M U R D E R

                          most of the time when ppl pick lc jungle its easy to win against them, just pressure her in the jungle. there is no way she wont fall below 50% if jungling efficiently when pressure is applied (since she wont be able to use any salve, waiting around to heal is inefficient and if you're standing you can just die)
                          she can have supports helping her, but then your team just pressure the lanes

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                          doc joferlyn simp

                            im so sorry i made you suicidal


                              In Normal skill LC jungle is really op. There's really no reason not to do it if u end up getting more out of map and being greedy. It really isn't easy to predict the timings and rotations of all of LC's ganks. Unless ur team sticks all the time or snow balls so hard. Which as u can imagine, never happens in normal games. Let's just forget about what blue star ppl say and just realize that it's op as fuck. LC will always get a lot of dmg somehow unless he gets retarded items. Or plays passive af.

                              I will always remember the game that I lost because of a jungle LC that we pressured hard in early game. She had no farm and we destroyed all the lanes as well but somehow she carried the game fucking solo because it was too easy to find pickoffs against us normal skill players and get so much duel dmg.


                                ^ i've been on the both sides of that situation.


                                  Because people think it works! (Well it does in low levels but I won't use NS pubs for an example because anything can work there)
                                  Jungle is a free source of farm for dogshit carries who can't last hit
                                  People who DOES THAT thinks that the enemy doesn't know how to punish a jungling lineup, goes full deathmatch mode, kills people, doesn't farm, with no objectives taken
                                  They think they can easily win from free duels from people wandering around solo, no pressure, free farm enviroment on jungle, easy snowball, easy win
                                  Basically narrow perspective


                                    For bws - And the narrow perspective person win -Meow! and you lost one more game

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                                      because it actually works in low mmr.

                                      people are terrible at laning, and they wont punish you for afk farming the jungle

                                      so you pretty much get +1 core for free, without any consequences