General Discussion

General DiscussionToo scared to play rank

Too scared to play rank in General Discussion

    What do you do to overcome the feeling of fear of dropping mmr?

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      at least u can play ranked whenever u want


        Yes I feel it
        Especially right now,cuz I have uber limited time to play some match


          I'm thinking going back playing Pub Match again as soon as I get 4.5k MMR just 1 more game to reach that amount of MMR. Because I'm also pretty scared to drop MMR specially SEA freakin' toxic server!


            nothing, i don't have one

            because i know i already achieved this mmr. even if i lose, i can only gain skill

            not lose it

            so in the long term, even the losses will give you skill and mmr


              i feel it too
              usually i ended up watching some pro stream until i feel like i really want to play X hero now and start ranked search :)
              sometimes play Hots or HoN match for an hour or so then back to dota

              Hatsune Miku

                Go smurf and tryhard


                  Good point cookie except that reaching ur highest doesn't necessarily mean u belong there. Could just be carried there but actually few mmr lower


                    Just play


                      Play on smurf that is approximately same mnr as main


                        Senpai will never notice me unless I'm 6k

                        Father Jack from Marketing

                          Quick tips;

                          -Turn PC off
                          -Go outside
                          -Excesize or socialise
                          -Realise there is a world outside
                          -Come back and play for fun later

                          Seriously. Being afraid of losing MMR shouldn't be 'worrying' anyone. Get out more, better still, get laid.


                            3d 🐷 disgusting

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              Press find match


                                Nice name


                                  "even if i lose, i can only gain skill
                                  not lose it"



                                    Create new account (like Cookie) and fear nothing.

                                    Óðinn H

                                      or like me haha (lol)


                                        thnx for the advice guys, ill just play in this acc, stomp some plebs and feelgood after xD

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          Just play the game lul


                                            how is this a thing when you can create 10000000 free accounts? Just make a new account to play ranked on without any leaderboard anxiety.


                                              why is dd-sama such a cuck

                                              Vic Romano

                                                You just queue, at worst, you lose, learn from it and get better. If you've hit a rating once you should be able to hit it again, and then go higher if you learn from your losses and try a bit


                                                  how can u achieved such high mmr with just small amount of games sir..? share ur knowledge...


                                                    Random on rank
                                                    get a hero u never played b4 in ur life
                                                    Force someone to swap with you
                                                    Feed cor
                                                    Feed and feed cor
                                                    Let the other team win


                                                      Have a 1 mmr account on standby like this one, just to destress after a long hard day of work/mmr grind.

                                                      Lifes too short to get frustrated or even fearful over a game


                                                        yea that mmr is most easy to lose i dropped from 4500 to 4100 in week and pissed off hard and now i dont give a shit im trying to get less than 1k mmr acc for this one if anyone is interested


                                                          I have an account with a solo mmr of 1036 if you want to trade Peeping Tom