General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get Blink fast on lion pls help me , im trying to get out 3k hell

How to get Blink fast on lion pls help me , im trying to get out 3k hell in General Discussion
Follow @jabawobski

    please help me dota buff pro


      open console command and type sv_cheats 1
      and press enter type
      -gold 2250
      instant dagger.

      this is the fastest way to get blink dagger.


        getting a fast blink wont help you getting out of 3k and lion already went to hell and back to hell and back.

        casual gamer

          try to not die 17 times in a 35 minute game

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Play a safelane carry lion no starting item instant blink lul


              G I T G U D


                buy midas kappa

                Oda Nobu

                  Iron Talon jungle Lion. :D

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    no point in farming for an item that its sole purpose is for its active, when you cant utilize it well


                      communicating with your other support on farm priority
                      get some kill secures with fod, its worth it sometimes especially if you are the key catcher
                      ks not meaning just trying to secure a person who is dead anyway, but instead of opening a gank with impale finger you just wait

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                      doc joferlyn simp

                        when you play like that kill securing and shit you gonna get into lpq 100%

                        specially with reports inflated now


                          i dont care about what you think about lpq im just answering op's quesiton
                          you can see players like mmy doing it and thats how he gets 12 min blinks and controls the tempo of the game, whether your 2k teammates report you is no concern of mine


                            H^^ lol


                              Dont miss last hits when you have the chance to get some, for example if you're taking midlane while your mid is healing in base, dont ruin those last hits, same if you're pulling, every little creep is a % of your blink, also try to secure kills for yourself with finger while not wasting it on a target you dont need to. As someone said above, comunicate with your other support (if there is one) and make him know your progress on the blink so you can ask him to get wards untill you finish your thing.


                                Roam like a dog who wants all the assists possible if needed and very close to buying dagger ks it.
                                Ksing once is not a harm and getting a dagger early is devastating if u can suprise intiate :)

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  chill man that method does work well but im just taking into account the practicality of it and contextualized it into op's position

                                  supports are generally seen as ward bitches, cant really do anything about that

                                  now if you try and kill secure during any confrontation, youll hurt your carrys ego and hell go apeshit calling you ks and whatnot, reports and all

                                  lpq --> cant play lion like intended? so its detrimental despite efficient and wont really do op any good

                                  idk as lion you only have one farm skill and even then it doesnt work that well. what i suggest is to memorize how to farm lane creeps when you can. make a sort of tempo for farming like hit leading creep once, hit all others, use stun to kill lead creep, methodically last hit all others according to who is losing the most hp the fastest

                                  may seem small but i played lion once or twice and that was the problem i encountered

                                  STE 8-1-8

                                    Double pull through to get last hits, when you hit lvl 4 buy a smoke and go gank, most pros will just get a wand and tranqs with a tp and sometimes an odd ward but they most save up for blink, just try not to die, keep an eye on your positioning, and don't join bad fights if you know you can't do anything to help (try to buy an odd ward here and there too).

                                    Also find the squishiest hero on the enemy team and blow them up so you can take fights 5v4.


                                      Better get LPQ rather than a -25
                                      Unless your carry went batshit crazy over a kill and tilted then threw the game right away