General Discussion

General Discussion Dota history

Dota history in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    The history of Dota

    The history of Pendragon(former Dota allstars dev, now Riot games top guy)

    The history of icefrog

    Stories on icefrog

    I have really come to realize how much credit icefrog really deserves from dedicating so much into this game.

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Fook weeb pendragon, Icefrog is life!!

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      PMS Mantra

        Hero Line Wars was where it was at.

        What a tongue twister...

        mom said it's my turn to ...

          It's amusing to know that the old argument "lol is a dota carbon copy" takes a new life in the form "lol took most of its hero concepts from the old dota allstars website hero concepts section". Should we be glad teemo didnt make it to dota though?