General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibration troubles

Calibration troubles in General Discussion
Flying Dutchman


    The game just knows that you belong in that MMR
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Why game stolle my 200 mmr when i was at 2000 mmr?

    Because game know? WTF

    Flying Dutchman

      I got 18 KDA ratio and didnt give me my 200 mmr to go to 2200 mmr!

      Flying Dutchman

        Fucking boosters!


          Op, why won't you listen to what we're saying, let me be frank, your kda dont mean shit since over all you play like shit, AND if you really think that Dota stole your 200 mmr then just GRIND it, should be EZ for you since you believe you have skills of a high 2k player or 3k, you stubborn ass mofo

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          Flying Dutchman

            Man i dont want to play on 2500 mmr. Dota is not fun to play for me at that mmr. Noo need to faster press buttons. Noo need better knoledge. I just want to reach that mmr after calibration because i deserve it. I dont want boosters in my calibration matches and i want my 200 mmr back.


              Just win a few games and that's it ;-)


                @Wintersun oh wow what do we have here? A special snowflake who needs to brag about himself grinding from 1k to 3k and is still hs lol. Fyi im 4.8k main and i got 3 more smurfs which are all 4.4k+. good luck getting vhs haha.

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                  i think you are referring to my post on page one. It wasnt against you, it was for REN. I thought using the double "^" would explain it.

                  Otherwise it's just stupuid what you siad, because I said that I just reached 3300, which is in HS bracket unfortunately. ;-)

                  So I don't get your point.


                    @Wintersun well my bad im sick af currently probly din't see the extra ^ , sorry for running my mouth on ya.


                      Stop whining
                      200 mmr is only 8 games to win if you actually deserves to be there


                        I dunno dude all I know is that valve puts you where you're supposed to be placed. I myself got calibrated at 3.4k on my first account. Yes, I was really frustrated and tried making a new one (which is this one) and got placed on 4.4k. You don't have to have that mentality of hey I don't belong in this trash tier. Do your best to be better than who you are in your previous games.

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          holy shit the dunning kruger is strong in this one


                            Flying Dutchman I don't get it. 2k MMR is pretty much nothing. So what if you got it back? What does that prove? You lose MMR, your gain MMR, so what? Its just MMR. Not a big deal.


                              The thing is DT
                              Kids think that MMR is everything in their life


                                I mean seriously, this forum has too many posts about VHS, HS games and MMR related posts. I don't get why people can't just play the game and not worry about HS, VHS,MMR, etc. So what if you have 1k MMR / 3k MMR / 5k MMR. Doesn't do anyone any good anyways; except maybe give those with VHS and 5-6k MMR boasting rights.

                                I honestly rather boast about how I spent my weekend on my yacht worth $1.5m instead of talking about how my MMR is 4k or how I have VHS games with a blue star on dotabuff. <--- can't get laid with high MMR but my yacht is a completely different story. Come on guys. Get real here.

                                Also for what's its worth, 9K MMR didn't win TI and not all high MMR player have a team or even a chance at TI.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  Guys i have a question, i calibrated last day at 3.6k. I played my 1st calibration match picking VS, i played that game nicely, not feeding, participating in every team fights lead me to get many assist and resulting to a victory.

                                  My question is, why did my average mmr in that calibration didn't go up when i played my next game? My next calibration game it's still in the average of 3.6k? then my second game is a loss, 3rd game is also a loss ending up my 4rth game in 3.5k average in the calibration.

                                  My 4rth game is a bounce back with my PA scoring a very nice 11-0-12 in that 4rth game victory. Then here comes that frustating result, my 5th game average 3.5k again, didnt rise up again in short.

                                  Any opinion guys? what happened in my first 5 games in calibration?

                                  Every loss has a pull down in my average but every has a ni rising?

                                  Thanks to anyone who can enlightened me😀

                                  -to make things clearly guys, im not frustated at the 3.6k calibration in my 1st game, well what to do right?
                                  Just wondered in the system of going up and down in the calibration 😊

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                                  Flying Dutchman

                                    ryanayr - they dont have answer to your question. Because they dont know system. I have same frustration: we win game with my KDA 8 / 1 / 10 and still mmr didnt go up to 2200 mmr.

                                    Flying Dutchman

                                      DT™ - mmr is challange nothing else.

                                      But solo mmr is so haotic and its not picture of your true skill. In solo you cant properly comunicate with new players u get in team.

                                      + have boosters in team who troll your game with domination and steal all farm, kills. Or if boosters are in enemy team u have no chance for farm or to do anything. Your teamamtes are frustrated from deaths caaused by boosters and leave game. Yor gpm and xpm ruined at end of game. Games are usualy 30 minutes long.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        That is the question that I'm hoping to get some answer for my mind to be clear. Still hoping that I'll get an answer 😊


                                          Don't you feel that this challenge is completely useless? In comparison to say, climb Mount Everest.


                                            @DT i suggest you refrain from responding to this imbecile tbh cookie already explained to him one should need better kda,xpm and gpm on average and not in a single game, and this guy over here is just being denial of everything he told him lol.


                                              bunch of kids


                                                The guy just can't or refuse to understand that his KDA 8/1/10 doens't mean shit. This is not, NOT what counts to raise mmr, killllss deathhss os assissst doessss nott make a differenceee retarded


                                                  kid so dellusional, thinks that someone is out there to make him lose.


                                                  kid, there's only couple of thousands of players in 6k mmr, but there are MILLIONS in 1k

                                                  i've looked at the scores of every single of oyur recent games and there's literally NO game with a sign of a player that's anywhere close to even 4k.

                                                  T1. dana

                                                    I have a question do my NM game can affect my calibration of MMR weather its a normal skill and high skill? Or it is base from my statistic ?


                                                      You can't blame anyone for your mmr but yourself. With this kind of thinking I'd have no questions as to why you're stuck at 2k. Ranting like this isn't going to make your mmr go up. Practice and practice, and oh did I say practice?

                                                      Flying Dutchman

                                                        I play without graphic card on terible broadband connection with far away russian servers from place i live. But i dont blame that. That is what it is. This is not about stucking in 2k i dont need to be 3k. Its about determinating mmr and boosters. I want my 500 mmr back.


                                                          Still crying about that ''stolen'' 500 mmr lul , if you really think ypu deserve it how bout you stop whining and farm it since you deserve it so much, i might as well say i should calibrate at around 4.9 yet i calibrated around 4.5 you see me crying bout the ''stolen'' mmr?? Keep up the humor pal.


                                                            I mean i'm smurfing as well and deso maelstrom skadi is really bad but you guys are missing out on hes point hes saying that if there are 5k players in hes calibration game smurfing and that he isnt capable of doing anythin against that


                                                              he's lying, cookie even checked his calibration matches and no signs of anyone near 4k level, Op is just a delusional player

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                              Flying Dutchman

                                                                Kelly dont be rude. I dont lie!
                                                                Where i say im 4k ... i just say i play with 4k players in party on other accounts? I didnt say im fast and have reaction like they are.


                                                                  Learn english OP. thats not what kelly meant.

                                                                  U said u got matched against booster/smurf, but turns out no one u ever played against has the skills of a 4k, so ure not playing against booster.

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                                                                  Venture Capital

                                                                    i get what your point dude. it's really hard on 2k mmr when calibrating. i know that feel when you have 2 mid player arguing, all carry teammates, support hero who build carry, and that's mmr booster (well i met some). it's really hard to gain mmr from 2k because random player. it's even harder if you play on SEA server.

                                                                    But we come to the fact that you have 2000 mmr now, and this forum won't give you 500 mmr. but you can learn from any positive comment here and boost your mmr. gain knowledge about the game, strategy, and positive attitude.

                                                                    Wish you Good luck.


                                                                      shut the fuck up dude you are not the special one whining about not getting where you "deserved" to

                                                                      what if i tell you that i once calibrated a smurf i wanted to be as low as possible by playing zeus buying mjollnir getting reported all around, yet still got to 3k with that shit. guess what? HIGHER THAN YOURS MEANS EVEN MY TROLLING BUILD IS BETTER THAN YOU

                                                                      in other words? GIT GUD


                                                                        After work humor = this thread rofl.

                                                                        Flying Dutchman

                                                                          Mushi i have better party mmr on other accounts then you so please FO !

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