General Discussion

General DiscussionTreant Protector

Treant Protector in General Discussion

    What's his deal?

    53% win rate in pubs makes him a pub-star.

    Yet in competitive and professional play, he's not picked at all.

    Is it bcuz his ulti is hard to land, nature's guise is a shit spell or living armor starts falling off from the mid-game (bcuz it duznt even provide any actual 'armor')? Or the hero is too greedy for a support position?


      Natures guise is a great spell. 60sec invis on a 4sec cool down for any ally allows for awesome ganks if used properly.

        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

          He's good not the best option that's all
          Nobody wants to pick tree instead of kunkka/sd/riki they're just simply more meta


            If I remember correctly that fooking tree starts with 90 damage


              @rocket using it aggresively for ganks wud be hard.....u want to lie in wait around trees waiting for the enemy to appear?

              @mekarizium isnt he kind of a counter to roaming riki and bounty bcuz he can give a cheap dmg block and heal to any ally on the map (and thus saving their life), thus making him infact good in a roaming meta. Also why cant he handle early aggression well when he has 2 early game defensive abilities

              @ieatass yes he has insane starting dmg. Cant imagine why singsing hasnt streamed a match with him with his classic roaming Orb of venom wind lace boots build

              PMS Mantra

                Leech Seed level 1 + Guise level 2 + Orb of Venom = insane ganks minute 2 off or safe lane. It is because you can't do it mid that this hero fails where Riki and BH exceed and, therefore, are simply better at.

                bum farto

                  Same thing with Omni, just afk heroes that have the tenancy to win more pubs than they lose. It's no wonder Slacks managed to be 5k being dreadful at dota