General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's wrong with Tony?

What's wrong with Tony? in General Discussion

    On paper he seems pretty useful at all stages of the game. Can gank early, makes good illusions, melts buildings/creep waves, tanky as fuck, aoe stun, pseudo-blink initiation for teammates with toss, craggy exterior annoying .

    Why don't I see him more often?


      Because pro player aren't using him lately... and pubs are always pro wannabe, go figure

      < blank >







              Are raindrops really good against him? Avalanche does its damage in multiple instances.


                Thier are better position ones and thier is better mids , in my opinion he's just in a weird spot where to get full effect of his early burst you gotta pane him mid but other mids usually win the lane or impact the game more . I dunno I can't seem to win with tiny any more either he's dead to me lol.


                  Maybe have a roamer in your team camp mid to help you win lane then snow ball off of it .


                    He has a bad winrate in both pro and matchmaking. Ever since the craggy nerf he seems to die much faster. I think a small buff would be a good idea
                    Echo good on him, but really delays aghs


                      Tiiiiny comineeeer

                      Dire Wolf

                        No starting armor means he gets bullied mid easily. Late he is kited easily like Sven or wk but those two have other traits