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General DiscussionHow to win as carry against a offlane SAND KING ? any good counter fo...

How to win as carry against a offlane SAND KING ? any good counter for this hero? in General Discussion

    its really hard to farm against a sand king because of caustic finale , any good counter for this hero?


      ask the guy who asked about how to offlane sandking


      nvm, who am i kidding last game i did sk off i had 6/0 XD

      to counter him it's very simple: don't fight him in the creepwave

      harass him to outside the creepwave as soon as you see him, both you and hte support

      burn all of his regen at lvl 1-2 and you'll win that lane, he can't comeback.


        I played offlane sand king against drow and jakiro. Couldn't do shit.

        Fee Too Pee

          Ranged carries. Huskar best


            hey @cookie ive notice your a good sand king player , whats the best hero to counter this hero? thanks


              sk can't do anything against high magic resistance or high hp heroes, especially when they're str/bkb carries

              specific counters: Huskar, Riki, Zeus, UnderLord.

              silencer, slardar and bh can be trouble if you're terrible at positioning

              agi squishy carries are good against you in the laning phase(drow) but they just become food for you in the midgame


                thanks :)

                M U R D E R

                  How about weaver, he can easily zone from lvl 1 with double attack

                  And doesnt get fucked in midgame coz linkens

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                    dont let him tag all creeps with caustic and burrow you. Stay away from creeps as much as possible. Aggro creeps onto you and hit the one thats not tagged with caustic. Most of all dont let him get a level advantage or you and your supports are gonna die over and over again. If he skills stun lvl 1you can keep him lvl 1 till ur carry is almost 3, if he skills caustic, just kill him with three people.


                      weaver has a flaw, he tends to run trough the creepwave.

                      if you're good with predicting(like me) you'll just stun him in the creepwave and blow it up, he either dies or loses all his regen at low levels.

                      then you reliably won the lane.

                      the linkens is annoying, but i get euls/force to brake those

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                      M U R D E R

                        If i was weaver vs sk i'd max geminite and not sukuchi, in order to zone better and only use sukuchi for escape
                        with trending phase-lance build i think its okay

                        or maybe 2-1-2 with the swarm

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                          The question is how to play offlane SK since i always up against trilane. Whenever i met trilane hero i dont have other choice to pick DS org underlord to survive.


                            then Sk would just level the same 2-1-2 remove the dick suckers with invis.

                            M U R D E R

                              in my experience as sand king people tend to bring dust if want to slay him (even if not skilled sandstorm, funny if they fail like that and die).

                              however you are right weaver would probably still have a hard time in lane 1v1

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                                hero that can silence him eg; drow ,in my experience im being a deek agains phuck and fckin tony !


                                  sk counters drowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                  waku waku

                                    don't play a melee carry against him


                                      But anyway , sk won't lose if placed with 4 human not a monkeys


                                        You won't see sk offlane much since jungle is so much more useful on him, but like cookie said those are hard counters. Sk has a weak laning phase unless it's a 1v1 vs a melee hero


                                          If i was weaver vs sk i'd max geminite and not sukuchi, in order to zone better and only use sukuchi for escape
                                          with trending phase-lance build i think its okay
                                          or maybe 2-1-2 with the swarm

                                          then you're stuck with high cd shukuchi for 15-20 mins

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                                            You won't see sk offlane much since jungle is so much more useful on him, but like cookie said those are hard counters. Sk has a weak laning phase unless it's a 1v1 vs a melee hero

                                            jungle is faster for the items/exp, that's why i say it's better.

                                            but sk is one of the strongest laners in game, he's very strong in the offlane 1v1 almost everything or 1v2 anything that isn't dual lockdown high early dps.

                                            M U R D E R

                                              @arin but you would win most lanes, noone likes trading hits with a geminite lmao