General Discussion

General DiscussionCan't play ranked

Can't play ranked in General Discussion

    Rank matchmaking still locked even after level 20 trophy


      Please help. �😞�


        trophy lvl =/= acc lvl


          U need to have level 20 account, not level 20 experience trophy


            I thought this was a K thread but it turns out it's a KEK thread

            you need level 50 trophy points to get a lvl 20 account level

            bonus question, even if you didn't ask:
            There is no other (non paying) way to get the lvl 20 account any faster, there is no other trophy that gives you as much points but the experience trophy.
            The difference between the 25 lvl trophy and the lvl 50 trophy are 2k points and there is simply no way you can get 2k points before already completing the lvl 50 trophy.


              btw you can find the trophy shit I just wrote about here