General Discussion

General Discussionanyone know how i could've closed these game sooner?

anyone know how i could've closed these game sooner? in General Discussion

    it started as snowball, but we were snowballing hard and couldn't go hg easily, i told my team to just control their side and farm till rosh.

    they got picked off and enemy started to comeback, then they became so painfully long.

    what am i doing wrong, i know there's an issue with my plan here, cus it can't be juts a random coincidance that i get 2 games like this in a row

    p.s im on a relaxation pause, i'll make the sk guides later and finish the calibrations

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      there's a giant flaw in my method, but idk what it is. cus if i don't play aggressive enemy will just farm up and snowball.

      or was it something else that i did wrong?


        Not sure if anything I will say will help, as in terms of skill and game knowledge I am propably much behind you but maybe you gave the enemy too much space to farm? And pick offs with comeback gold sure helped as well, maybe aggresive wards on their side to help you see where they are going and either farm their jungle consantly or ward it up so they will starve of neutral farm?


          And in the game where you had SD and magina try to constantly pressure their towers and lanes with Disruption on magina?


            we had wards, we just couldn't brake their HG.

            in the mangina game we did that 60 min into the game, cus mangina didn't want to stay on 1 spot and kept running around like a headless chicken.

            it took me 10 minutes of constantly yelling at him to get him to just stand close to us and let SD and the manta do the job, he's very disobedient.

            anyways, their mistakes are theirs. i want answers about my own gameplay.

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            doc joferlyn simp

              idk did you put emphasis on map dominance? when you got them boxed in their hg. ward everything, or at least crucial passes where people pass by to the jungle/secret shop. let your pos 3 and 2 steal neuts from enemy jungle, let pos 1 be the boogeyman and spook people out by showing up in the map then backing off. let supports push the lanes. choke the resources of the enemy. when your carry reaches the peak of his strength, just break hg it should be easy with all the farm you guys acccumulated relative to the starved enemies.

              if the issue is getting picked off 1by1 then split push as 2 or 3, dont bother with jungle camps as long as you are able to keep lanes pressured

              doesnt necessarily have to be that way but thats what ive observed with pro replays, and it seems good


                we do that, it's just that when we go HG or some t2 pushes we got killed and enemy regained that what they lost, LS for an example had farming space cus we couldn't shut all of them at the same time (4 core lineup, he was farming our jung), our jugger was terrible at farming

                he had less than the enemy with no farm space.

                1 game LS radiance screwed me over so i couldn't position myself properly for a combo.
                2nd game am kept getting picked off so they slowly started coming back.

                can i get any blue star opionons here?

                the stuff the non-blue stars say is just damn super obvious, we did all of this.

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                  You got hard carried by 5 ton of balls invoker in both of those matches.
                  Gaben loves you [I know that you're a god tier support/offlane sk but still that invo tho]

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                  Mr God


                    No wonders why you're normal skill 1k subhuman


                      ^^Thank you <5k subhuman

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                        Play on SEA cookie. You can rekt miracle if you managed to get 6k-7k SEA.


                          From what I see, you can't do much. Not talking you as a player, but second game their team was made to last, necro ult makes it a 4v5 if they can get a pick off. First game morph can be extremely difficult to end because he can dish out damage, take damage replicate back to fountain and is ready for round 2. I think if you want the games to end you have to play the hard carry. A sand King doesn't take towers and the later the game goes when everybody will buy bkb, linkens or just be so tanky you fall off. Also sometimes things just won't go your way, and you can't stop people from getting picked off which sucks but is the life of dota

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                              if i knew the answer i wouldn't ask here, i'd just watch the games and find it myself.

                              but i tried that and i couldn't find a reason that wasn't just "don't get picked off".

                              anyways, it's not about the hero, i'ts never about the hero.

                              it's about hte player, i'm doing something wrong and i've notice this happen in many games where people can just somehow comeback against me and it's annoying tbh. something slips me by every time and i don't notice it and makes games super long

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                                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
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                                      can you define ''macro plays'' and "denying/abusing fog of war/overextending."

                                      with supp movements you mean keeping track of supports on the map to kill their cores?


                                        btw i can't download my recent games for some reason

                                        none of the replays are up...

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                                        Ne .♥. Fa

                                          @crappy coco your mmr now ?

                                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                              @kitty im in 4.2k average last game. One more game to show mmr. This is why i hate SEA tbd matches. You can't pick late if you are the "" tbd guy"" ,you will end up countered by enemy all those 10 tbd matches


                                                That meepo on your 2nd game too bad, like a 3k meepo in my region . 1hr game, those stats show how the skill difference region base.


                                                  you're not seriously that stupid are you?

                                                  sk with scepter is one of the best counters to meepo, he just vaporizes a meepo better than an earth shakira.

                                                  ofc he's gonna feed me, i directly counter him not to mention im way higher mmr than him

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    Hes just noob .. Rofl. Poor microeing of meepos. Link us that game video. And I am sure of that skill level of meepo picker. You can't counter meepo by sk, only way to stop a good meepo by picking ww.


                                                      That game shows skill difference per region, a 4k meepo picker at SEA will 1v5 you😂


                                                        not sure if srs or retarded


                                                          but anyways sk is quite good against meepo, and not cz of epicenter only. ww isnt a counter since more than half a year ago (when her R was reworked).

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            Haha. Yeah tripple. But the thing is,how meepo plays against his enemy. If he's good he can wham all the way with only 3items(aga,blink/travel) .Playing meepo was like your always in a hurry and a busy nerd pushing wrecking every lane especially early game to maximize your xpm/gpm/item advantages. Microeing a meepo is like having a sex while being raped. Haha


                                                              exceeeept you have an enemy sk(me) who know that the meepo wants and NEEDS to do all those things so the sk shuts him down before he can even get a chance to snowball.

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                5k in eu = 3k in sea. watch sea games and u will improve.



                                                                  can we stop with this sea vs eu vs na vs my d*ck bullsh*t in my thread.

                                                                  if you're not gonna contribute to my thread then don't even post in it.

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    my dick > your dick