General Discussion

General DiscussionWho got 4k mmr from smurfing?

Who got 4k mmr from smurfing? in General Discussion

    I'm 1k on my main hoping to get 2k by smurfing.:-)


      Started playing DOTA last TI and was 500 mmr till november 2015. Made a couple of new accounts and now I'm close to getting 4k and calibrating on it.


        Guys?Im playing vhs while solo but when im with my friend unkown or normal.Does that mean i got 4k up?Got 4.1 mmr in my main tho.


          Wow people really never learn eh.

          I stopped playing normal dota 11 months ago because there's too many of these bullshit smurf calibrators ruining the game. Came back now and it's still like that. And there seems to be more of them. SEA


            @crappy coco with your skill bracket for sure you are close to 4k. Well done! 4k is easy to everybody just dont feed during nmm.


              Why would you compare yourself to a 7k when clearly you cant even carry your weight pass 3k?
              FYI, pro players who take support doesnt always go the supporting role. They can say that they want to carry with that kind of hero and people simply trust them. Miracle plays a mean carry wisp, which is generally a support. So why are you comparing yourself a potato and a pro player potato?

              The thing is, people are often delusional thinking they belong in a much higher mmr bracket where most of the time, is not true.
              You deserve to be there. If you really are a 4k player, you can always, ALWAYS beat the shit out of a group of 2ks.


                I GOT 4500 .U?...NO??OK.I DONT G A FUCK


                  1k, 2k can be 4k! Its real! These ppl are just pushing smurfers down. That's why theres a lot of players who is smurfing because 2k to 4k smurf is real.


                    And whats wrong with smurfing? They are also playing decent in order to get high mmr. Its just the mmr system sucks, i saw a player which is good in macroing with chen but he is in normal skill, good macroinng shud be in vhs.

                    casual gamer

                      ^ there are people who can macro but belong in 2k mmr, just like there are people who can swim really well but can't compete in triathlons


                        "Decent" and "good" are different.
                        Watch my last omni game, i miss a lot off pulling, stacks, even repel and purification, but i can still win by winning the map control for my carry. Thats in 2k, in 5k? I got flamed "u better sit in the base and let me do this myself". U get the picture.

                        Anyway are people that desperate to see 4121 mmr on their profile?


                          @scrublord i saw ure in ns bracket. Have u ever played in vhs? I dont see vhs in your match history. If in other acc can u post it here?

                          casual gamer

                            ^^ yeah scrublord ive had games where i beg void to just share unit control and afk because he cant fucking chrono properly LOL


                              stop dream and improve, easiest but solid way to get 4k just stop dreaming



                                Friend's account pal, he said to me "if u can handle this go make a smurf". I can't, it's too much.

                                Edit: if i'm vhs ill be spamming "lul lul lul" in this thread.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  good macroinng shud be in vhs

                                  thats just a minute aspect of the game

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    no you can't get a 2k mmr jump from smurfing, only from grinding it

                                    when i play on 1-3k accs i literally tell my supports to not do anything or kick them out of lane because theyre THAT bad

                                    and they make the lane harder than it would be 1v2.

                                    you could imagine putting those 1-3k players into 5k+ mmr

                                    they'd make their teammates want to kill themselves

                                    p.s no, there arent ANY decent 1-3k.

                                    overall they're the same

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                    saving private RTZ

                                      u cant get 4k if you are 2k.

                                      you need to be 4k first.


                                        when i play on 1-3k accs i literally tell my supports to not do anything or kick them out of lane because theyre THAT bad

                                        i do this even in 4k fairly often rofl
                                        u cant get 4k if you are 2k.
                                        you need to be 4k first.



                                          I am a proof that 2k may get 4k in smurf SEA)
                                          Keep smurfin guys/gals.