General Discussion

General DiscussionTemplar Assasin - Is Dragon Lance Good?

Templar Assasin - Is Dragon Lance Good? in General Discussion

    Build 1:
    Bottle > Phase > Aquila > Dragon Lance > Desolator > Blink

    Dragon Lance looks like a amazing item on Templar Assassin, Great Stats for a Low Price and Extra Range which TA is lacking.
    However I feel like you may need a lot more farm and you may hit your power spike a little late, is Dragon Lance good? Or is it too expensive and set back your power spike too much?

    Pls answer this noob, ty


      dragon lance is okish, but its synergy with blink isnt that good


        Melee heroes have attack range 150.
        TA is ranged, but starts only with 140 attack range.

        casual gamer

          ta gets a huge power spike from blink/deso

          dlance just doesnt do enough by comparison to justify buying it earlier

            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

              For me blink,deso,yasha,dedalus,mante,or rapier end
              But if fast game dragon lance quite good 2

              Reddog Pussyeater

                Ok what the actual fuck are these kids saying. DL (or more accurately hurricane pike) is brilliant on TA.

                What does Ta need? Attack Speed and mobility. TA is not designed to face tank. Refraction is there to stop you getting jumped and bursted. Its not there to keep you alive int he middle of a fight. With good positioning you can walk up behind a support, use the pike and 3 hit him (AND use meld) in less than a second. The teamfight is 4v5 1 second into the engagement. Need to escape but DoT is stopping you from blinking? force staff over a cliff and tp. Get jumped by a PA? she has wasted her combo and now has to walk into you while you hit with 100AS extra.

                Build is simple

                Wraith band + pooled tangos (2) + FF + GG branch.


                Phase or Treads


                Hurricane Pike (you get this first because its easier build up and it gives you hp regen, mana, attack range, armour, hp, attack speed, active attack speed, mobility)

                Blink (this gives you mobility and requires you to farm and move relatively cautiously to get 2250 gold - can you see what im getting at?)

                Whatever you need to end the game

                casual gamer

                  the item is obviously worth buying, this thread is about rushing it before deso OR blink

                  everyone know lance/pike is great on ta, but building it before at least deso seems like a bad idea to me

                  1 CONDUCTA CAGA DOTAS MAX...

                    where is the eul??


                      From Waga Stream

                      "It's quite strong due to the massive AS from hurricane pike, once upgraded it makes TA really able to burst people. And blink+hurricane can allow you to play more aggressively. I dont like dragonlance early though, pick it up after deso+blink if you dont need bkb!"


                        its okay, not extremely good

                        Phase however is really bad on TA


                          ^People used to go phase on TA and now they go Treads. What changed?


                            I dont know what changed i didnt play back then i think but i just know that threads are better cause threadswap+farmingspeed


                              Get treads, deso, blink 1st, then hurrikane pick is pretty great pickup if youre not in a rush to get a defensive item like bkb or manta.


                                ywn what changed is that dagger became extremely good and treads is a better pairing with dagger, at least thats waht people think


                                  Phase isn't bad, it's just different. Treads help you clear ancients faster, that's why it's more preferred nowadays as ancients are being farmed much more than previously.


                                    And yes people used to build drums/yasha which give AS, so paired up with phase it was really good, nowadays when u go blink deso u don't have as much AS