General Discussion

General Discussionsupporting = easier mmr than carry?

supporting = easier mmr than carry? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    that's the way it seems to me, maybe I'm just a trashcan core

    especially if ur the 1 support and u have 4 cores, that shit is ez wins

    Ten temat był edytowany

      I actually feel more confortable while playing support, because there are not as much people who actually know what a supports job in a game is.
      On this account I played like 5 games as a carry and lost them all due to shitty or non existent supports.
      I feel like the main part of those guys never played a supp role in their life, thats why they think "the only way I can contribute is by being the most important player in the game"
      well good luck being the most important player in the game against a riki while you are to retarded to buy wards or dust...



        remember to drink water

          Pretty much, you'll never have assholes fighting for your role


            If you have good teammates who pick carries and you pick a carry,you might win the game
            If you have good teammates who pick carries and you pick a support,it's a guaranteed win
            My support is fucking dogshit so....I'd rather not spam it


              @Darryl Speed
              Actually, there can be a fight for support role at higher MMR.


                in cases when all want carry then go suport go save game if ur carry player and u have suports go carry ...its not true bulshit post

                u rly need to spamm suports now to learn them aswell

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                    ^is that the reason why out of the first 7 winrates of all heroes 6 are supps?

                    Its just about how good someone is with a supp...

                    Dire Wolf

                      I don't think it's easier at all. You have to do a lot more in the beginning of the game while a carry just has to farm. Focus is more singular.

                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                          im not playing solo queue until my carry gets better.

                          however in party (which i play often) I will always play Pos 6, as I can rely on my group to win their lane, and I can win mine.


                            Like winning a lane is a some kind of guarantee for you to win the game, it is a good start but it gives you nothing but a small benefit. I won games where we lost all 3 lanes and I lost games where we won all 3 lanes.

                            One of the most important roles of each support should be to make the carry you are supporting better then he is. Meaning if he is an average 2k player, you shouldn't make him play at a lower level because of you.

                            That doesn't mean you will win the game and fucking it up doesn't necessary mean that you will lose the game it is just one of the things that will decide the game. There are 5 players on both sides making decisions and the sum of them all will be the end result of the game. That is why even the best players in dota don't have a 100% winrate.

                            Still, looking at the stats, it clearly shows us that supports are in the lead position. If I would see a void or a morph on top of that list I would belive you. This way it only seems like your personal bias to put them in that place...

                            Пороховой демон

                              NEVER SEEN DAT $HIT

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                                      First thing that comes to mind is, why don't you spam those heroes you mentioned if it is so easy?

                                      Kinda reminds me of that TB spammer who got fucked by a tinker and wanted a nerf for tinker, yet never even played him...

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                                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                            see fucking what, is that fp the only hero in the game?
                                            naming one heroes counters(not that I have read them) doesn't mean shit if your team overall has good cohesion.
                                            And who fp's a supp just for the sake of it? Either let someone pick his favorite hero(if it isn't banned) or just random...

                                            Also, I noticed that you didn't mention the #1 hero on the list, omni. I guess he is a carry?

                                              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                Couldn't agree more with Meka, unfortunately only where you can successfully play/fp those pos 5 defensive supports are in a 5 man party stack of known people.. :'(

                                                Vem Comigo

                                                  when i play carry, i moslty play alone, getting solo kills, doing objectives away from my team, while team fights/farms, go for that cleaner aproach where you go there after the tf and clear the rest of the enemy .
                                                  When i play sup, i just hug my team, never leave them alone, go for objectives and tfs all time.


                                                    2csupoort 3 carry good


                                                      You can first pick Sniper. Your enemies will try to counter you. And then... Surprise mazafaka! It's support sniper! Ez +25 MMR...

                                                      PMS Mantra

                                                        A support, at the end of the day, is only as good as their core. You can stack nc and ancients 50 times, buy tps and reveal for every one on your team and win every single lane through coordinated ganks. But if you a Jugs that decides to go Eblade + Heaven's Halberd... Supports don't carry themselves too well. A sad and unfortunate truth.


                                                          What about kotl


                                                            Your "truth" is not so old. It was possible to carry game as a support before introduction of comeback mechanics. Was it 6.84 patch? I think it's 6.84... So 6.83 was the last "support friendly" patch.

                                                            What can we do now? We need to make DOTA 2 great again! Lets spam Gabens mail box with petition to revert DOTA 2 back to 6.83 patch! Together we will win!

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              Supports benefit hugely from comeback mechanics because they are always behind. If u die as a overfed support who cares. 300 gold to them and a low respawn. if u die as a 9/0/2 morph u will hemorrhage 1200 gold even if ur team has feeded, and ur BB will be forced. won fights and even pickoffs give supports a ton of levels and gold. usually by the 30 minute mark I have 1-2 game winning 2000 gold items like aether, glimmer, force even as a position 5 buying all the wards + detection + smokes + courier

                                                              and saying you cant impact as a support in the lategame is just fucking crazy, supports have item actives that can save allies, have a shitton of CC abilities, control ALL of the vision on the map, and carry detection/smoke/deward. its a lot easier for me to call shots when the smoke is already in my inventory, its a lot easier to deward myself than ping it for my retard support and have him deward 5 minutes later

                                                              if u think u cant play defensive pos 5s in pubs ur delusional. when ur pos 1 am gets chronoed and u disrupt him, or when ur carry runs in 2v5 and u save him as ww and kill 1 person with curse, that shit wins games. you don't need to be on voice chat with people, just cast ur shit on them when its blatantly obvious theyre going to die and it turns what would be a 4v5 in enemy favor into a 5v5 with chrono or whatever down

                                                              plus raindrop + stick gives you a shitton of burst hp and combined with naturally defensive/tanky supports makes it really hard to fuck up unless ur 100% braindead

                                                              I first pick WW all the time in ranked, nobody "counters" me. at most I see SWM + kunkka or some shit, wow dude u can combo someone I froze. except you cast those shits early in the fight and when I have force staff ur SWM is 100% worthless

                                                              Hell, even just positioning well and not feeding elevates you above 90% of these 4k supports who feed deaths to slark and void because they don't know how afk in fog with a sentry down

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                              casual gamer

                                                                TLDR: who has the highest winrate? the position 5 defensive support

                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                  "Supports benefit hugely from comeback mechanics..." - it's painful to read this bs. Comeback mechanics removed supports from the game. You can do whatever you want in early game now. It doesn't matter. Current meta moves from 1-1-3 closer and closer to 1-1-1+2 junglers.



                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      u r correct in that I can play sd + potm and make the score 1-8 in 8 minutes and it will not matter 10 minutes later

                                                                      however supports are the heroes receiving the most gold and xp from meme comeback mechanics, as well as the heroes who translate small amounts of gold (1000-3000) into utility the quickest

                                                                      the laning phase still matters a ton. I have direct influence on void gets his chrono, because I kept him level 2 for 3 minutes. I can secure our morph/am farm and win lane by playing properly

                                                                      PMS Mantra

                                                                        Of course supports have impact. All through out the game. But what if you get a brain dead core? How do you win as a support then? A 6 slot Sven can carry a brain dead team. A 6 slot Wyvern is going to have a hell of a hard time doing the same. I started off as a support and it's probably what I am best at in dota, but I don't trust pubs to carry me. Not anymore. That's all I'm saying.

                                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                                          Yeah, it's probably easier, everyone I know who is 5 or 6K is basically a support player. (They're also not dicks like most 5 and 6k core players)

                                                                          There's some things you have to keep in mind:

                                                                          1. No one will fight you for the support role, the fact that you go into every game playing support is already an advantage in itself cause you won't ever have to worry about not having one, while the enemy team you face every game will have to worry if they're going to get one or not.

                                                                          2. If you actually know how to play support, you'll be 5 times more effect than someone who doesn't know how to play it.

                                                                          3. The support role is the most resistant to tilting, a death or two doesn't really affect a support players attitude as much as it affects a core player who's dying mid over and over. You also tend to be blamed a lot less than core players too, most of the time they just expect wards and decent stuns. Another good reason is that most people who last pick a support are FORCED TO PLAY SUPPORT, so they're already tilted at the start of the game, they think they're the best player on the team, so how can players "as good as them" be stuck playing the support role. This becomes a problem, cause if you tell these players even one thing they don't want to hear (even if it's true) they'll probably just end up feeding, wasting wards, or stop supporting all together due to them going into the game tilted already.

                                                                          There's a few more other reasons as to why youre least prone to tilting as a support, but I don't care to explain them. So support players tend to usually (keyword usually, i'm not saying all support players are angels) be more positive, and stable mentally as a result.

                                                                          4. If behavior score means anything, then they're in good teammate pool probably too, RNG on their side. Kappa

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            you display lifetime stats, wheras my stats are from ranked games only played THIS PATCH, which is all we are talking about. wowzers dude I have 51% lifetime void winrate but my winrate this patch is 70%


                                                                              Don't lie to yourself. It is not you who keeps Void at lvl 2, but your carry who knows how to hold the lane + low skills of Void.

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                as a carry player ur triggering me so hard rofl

                                                                                its like all support pickers have this switch switched in their brain so that they can play like shit and take 0 responsibility for the game

                                                                                ok dude you win

                                                                                you have no influence over the match, just afk in fountain

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                  @Closer to the stars
                                                                                  1) "No one will fight you for the support role"
                                                                                  It happens much more often than you may think.

                                                                                  2) "you'll be 5 times more effect"
                                                                                  Multiply zero by 5, result is the same zero.

                                                                                  3) "You also tend to be blamed a lot less than core players"
                                                                                  They ALWAYS blame supports.

                                                                                  4) "they're in good teammate pool"
                                                                                  Look at previous thesis.


                                                                                    "just afk in fountain"
                                                                                    This is about as much as I do in my games anyway...

                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                      even feeling hopeless and getting flamed and being poor as a pos 5/4 u have 60-55% winrate on most of ur common support heroes

                                                                                      I have never had someone fight me for support actually, usually 2 people want mid and 2 people want safelane

                                                                                      edit: removed flame u don't die that much lul

                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                        My real skill is ~2k MMR, but because I only play supports it's ~4.5k. This is why I say that it doesn't matter what you do or how bad you are when you play support.


                                                                                          elder titan

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            I think what you guys are saying is true about supports except that playing a support well IS harder than playing a carry well.


                                                                                              It's not harder. It requires a different skillset. Just as you can't be a good support without being a good carry – you can't be a good carry if you know jack shit about supporting.

                                                                                              Mode adiman

                                                                                                other way round for me

                                                                                                何ができる? 🌌

                                                                                                  can someone explain how supporting can get easy high mmr?
                                                                                                  do you know how mmr calibration works for supports?

                                                                                                    Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                                                      @Dire Wolf

                                                                                                      playing a support well IS harder than playing a carry well

                                                                                                      It's not... For me, it looks like the harder I try - the more I lose, but when I don't give a fuck - I win.

                                                                                                      Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                                                                                        everything is @#ing hard in DOTA . I'm happy even with my 53% winrate