General Discussion

General DiscussionBlast from the past - Your favourite meta/Pre patch items.

Blast from the past - Your favourite meta/Pre patch items. in General Discussion

    Dota 2 goes through alot of changes over the years,

    do you remember the days when blink cost mana,
    There was only 1 rune,
    A cancerlancer could nuke a creepwave at his base, and push a rax with it.
    Wards took up 2 slots
    Tp scrolls used to cost 350

    Throwback to the old huskar that gained damage, and the Instant armlet.

    What was your favourite 'meta'?
    Ti 1 was alot of 5 man Teamfight (tide, Enigma, Darkseer, Veno) and the infamous Doom carry,
    Ti 2 Was alot of rosh strats, and the same teamfight compositions (Naga, Shadowshaman, Enigma, rubick)
    Ti 3 was The splitpush meta, (furion, Phantom lancer, Kotl, Naga)
    Ti 4 was the 4 physical damage meta (Venge, Sniper, Troll, Void)
    Ti 5 was the Magic damage carry (lina, lesh, storm)
    Ti 6 was the pickoff meta (Mirana, Void, Elder titan)

    There has been plenty more meta's, throw them down below.

    I personally, as much as it was rediculous the Magic damage faceroll from a lesh or a storm.
    It was a very fun meta to play mid in.
    That or the 4 prot 1 meta,

    Ten temat był edytowany

      I dont think ti4 was physical dmg meta. It was chinese dominated with deathball push lineups that had radiance druids and core clockwerks. The DAC was the one that had the 6.83 snip

      and with regards to ur question, i wud very much like to try cancer lancer for myself

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        i like current meta the most but i miss sf


          ah yeah, good input, there was alot of different mini meta's between patches, which make it hard to track the TI meta's.

          there was a time where it was all Aggro/defensive trilanes and the entire game was about winning your lanes.

          Undying, OD, Veno, Clock, Razer, darkseer were all firstban material

          Ah the ti3 days of cancerlancer, i have very distinct memories of losing a rax from a lancer, who bots'd in, lanced 1 creep and got recalled by the kotl.


            i miss mid Qop vs puck

            Pale Mannie

              I miss balanced leshrac


                I miss imba Spirit and the old veno icon

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                PMS Mantra

                  I miss 1200 magic damage Laguna with Eblade Agh.