General Discussion

General DiscussionApparently Chen is the hero to spam to 5k

Apparently Chen is the hero to spam to 5k in General Discussion

    Blue Star im coming for u. 8 games left.

    Fee Too Pee

      omfg that fucking your last game line up. all cancerous push m8. any tips how to chen m8? for try fun in pubs




          Well it took me like 100 games with him on another account to learn total basics. I still have problems with micro. In a short brief i just go and rekt enemy safelane instead of jungling with him. From there my team snowballs, leaving both loads of space for our carry, and leaving enemy carry poor.

          The other way to play it is to jungle, send satyr mid and harass midder with it, while u stack camps for yourself. Later u take the stacks with bird, but its not reliable tactic against eg. riki. But with this tactic u get lvl as fast as midder.

          Save some, heal some, push some and penitence is just awesome.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            PMS Mantra

              I'm 95% positive the title of this topic should somehow involve 'pushing rax at minute 5'.

              The strat you just mentioned though is the one that got Enchantress and LD banned every first round at the 'Unspeakable' Major. It's legit, but no one ever wants to play like this unless it's party ranked or CD. If you can play like this solo, more power to you.


                Somehow this works well, cos people start to play as a team from minute 1, while enemies just tp safe lane and die tryin to help. Also works amazingly well with popular Drow strat. These games are the shortest.

                Another +25 lel

                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                casual gamer

                  played 8 games of chen in a row a year ago, fun playstyle and definitely can wreck shop in pubs. all the tower money gets translated directly into pushing power with mek - necro/aghs

                  Fee Too Pee

                    But is it get easily punished by high ground defense heroes? Sniper , tinker , alch . Because chen drop too hard late game


                      Yes .. enemies tried this. There were a few eartshahers and tinkers. Even with jakiro one time, but pipe just too good to overcome.

                      U have pipe, greaves, hand of god. U can also rush scepter since ancients are immune to magic.

                      Game againt alch was also quite ez. I think games will get more difdicult after 5k.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                      casual gamer

                        its not easily punished, its possibly but difficult to punish

                        its the same shit as drow raxing at 20 minutes, just with a harder hero and with worse scaling into the lategame

                        when you have golem + dragon ancient hitting ur shit with 5 heroes behind them and the heroes have a 700 hp burst heal + golem aura + the dragon spams macropyre sniper/alch/tinker is going to have some difficulty


                          Nerf or remove Chen