General Discussion

General Discussion24 hour mute

24 hour mute in General Discussion

    why did i get banned if my report rate is 0-2 before i played a timber game where i get reported because of ping problems.
    This is my first time receiving this ban and idk why they ban me now when my conduct is good.
    now i cant spam ping my teamates when they are someone plays bad its frustrating


      yeah it could be stricter punishment from less reports required, idk man cus i got shit like people who just want to treat me like their 6th enemy for 2 straight games and bam i got lp for 5 fucking games, not 1 not 2 but 5




          I love when someone behaves like an asshole and post a thread "why im muted".

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            get rekt


              "now i cant spam ping my teamates when they are someone plays bad "


                Simply you're toxic,communication abuse..


                  nah i played first game yesterday with an unexpected ping spikes which is unplayable that cause us to lose and for me to go 0-9. I never said a word that game just sucked. btw before i got the ban i always with mute all chat on so i cant flame my team AND i had a low report rate of 0-2 and 3 commends. anyways i am in the shitzone of matchmaking right now and can confirm that it is real.

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                    cause you talk too much in game. And when some one report you as communication abuse, valve noted how much speech did you typ