General Discussion

General DiscussionCALIBRATION TIME.

CALIBRATION TIME. in General Discussion

    So I can already play ranked matches, so what do you guys think? Should I play few more games with a good K/D/A ratio or will my matches be enough, my last few matches are very bad tho, thanks. i'am thinking of Playing a few more to raise my hidden MMR. (Wanted to be 4k so bad here T_T)

    Mode adiman

      how are u level 20 and Im not..


        Go for it bro, KDA wont matter, only skill. This is true because I remember seeing a smurf having bellow average kda ,mostly played supports but got 4.5mmr(!help), while i felt confident with my decent wr and KDA but only got 4.1 after my calibration.(basically he was better skillwise).. soo just do it!! xD


          have fun i guess

          doesn't matter what your mmr before the calibration is, the calibration decides your mmr

          you can check out my experiment, so far 2 accounts both with 3k start ended in 4.3 and 4.7 mmr

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            @Vanqu1sh I jumped from lvl 16-21 lol dunno why probably because of the trophy? reached lvl 50


              Thanks. Gonna do it now. Gonna play support since I really don't play carry much XD If im calibrated at 3.7-3.9 really don't care. NOT GONNA Stop until i reach my fcuking 4k Goal lol.


                ^glhf remember stay hydrated and positive

                god dammit

                  my friend only have 3.10 up somethng VHS when he done in calibration his MMR is 4.3k something GL


                    Glhf man