General Discussion

General Discussionis there any way to save all the dota 2 settings to a file so i can l...

is there any way to save all the dota 2 settings to a file so i can load them later in General Discussion

    like every setting.

    i'm doing that calibration thing:

    but i have to re-edit settings every time, once i forgot to change one button and got myself killed *-*

    any way i can save all my settings so i can load it with a different acc? everything, not just hotkeys


      Just stop smurfing noob.


        Yeah noob.


          Jk teach us more of your ways sensei


            i really don't care if you like smurfing or not. i'm only interested in answers to my question

            SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

              I think its on your config or autoexec im not really sure :v within those lines I think; so you open any account on your pc and all settings are the same, except launch options.


                no, for me they change every time i log a new acc

                only video/audio stays the same

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  Y its different on all accs


                    hello, anyone know?


                      you know what would be nice, an answer