General Discussion

General DiscussionDepressed 2k scrub

Depressed 2k scrub in General Discussion

    Hey guys just want to know if its ok that im in a 2k trench with only 700 games and 300 matches on mmr. Do i still have plenty to learn in dota 2 or i just simply sucks?


      Why not both?

      suck dick for pma

        I can coach

        Hatsune Miku

          there are no rules or anything that determines if its bad or good, you can have 10k matches and be 1k mmr as long as your not trying to be a pro


            No mate..
            Everyone is different..
            The games is complex, and some have different learning speed..

            But maybe your friend learn the games fast to 3k (example 500games) and have long time to 4k (3000 games)

            And maybe u have 1500 games to 3k and only need 500 games to 4k..
            The hard part is you found a new insight in your gameplay that make u a tier above your tier..

            Gl with your match mate..