General Discussion

General DiscussionBest meta hero for mmr

Best meta hero for mmr in General Discussion

    - abuse the shit out of a pubstomp hero
    - gain +1000mmr with said hero
    - hero gets nerfed
    - lose the next 50 games because you can play only nerfed hero at that higher level

    sounds like a great idea!
    this is why spamming a tiny pool of heroes simply to gain mmr makes no sense to me. much better to play many heroes and, you know, learn to better play the whole game, even if you don't climb as fast.


      I spammed troll in 6.83 when he was very OP and it helped me improve a lot at the game. When you play lots of different heroes your brain has to focus a certain amount of attention on actually playing your hero properly and you won't have as much brainpower to spare on the other aspects of the game which are far more important if you want to become a better overall player. When you spam an 'OP' hero, your rank will shoot up a lot and you should get good enough that you can play your hero on autopilot and focus on improving your general game sense and decision making.

      Later on when the hero gets nerfed although you will lose some mmr short term by having to consistently play a higher level than you are used to you won't drop too far. For me I spammed troll from 4.3 to 5.5k, after nerfs I dropped to 5.1k but I kept a lot of the decision making, game sense and mechanical skill I developed playing in 5.5k games instead of garbage 4.3k games. After a bit more hard work I climbed to 6k this patch and right now I am trying to spam morph and AM and break through to 6.5k and begin the process again.