General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen do Valve give you a good team?

When do Valve give you a good team? in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    Ez useless jungler that blame why my team feeding in lane???? Hahaha nice jungle man keep it up so i never meet you rofl


      I go jungle on purpose to do nothing xD. That's the entire point of this, Im going jungle just to prove any lane including 2 in the offlane will lose and proceed to flame. According to a lot of players having 2 in the offlane and them dying is my fault, I mean normally a solo has the excuse to flame but 2? All I'm saying is I can still do more when I'm not trying

      Fee Too Pee

        Lul if u play roamer support or do some rotation or just playing support u can secure your safe lane carry farm and bam u win anyway despite your offlaner kinda feeding. But no u have to make every lane crumble with u rushing midas jungle underlord. And make everyone poor

        Veridis Quo

          > But of course hidden pool doesn't exist, cause if I say it exist, i'll sound like a scrub

          It exist.

          I used to say here that matchmaking is random but last weeks proves that there is some mechanism that "evens" your progress. If youre playing good and carrying hard ur team, pushing your winrate in short periods to 70-80% (from "default" 50%) then youre cursed to have shitty teammates few next days. Its too obvious.

          10 games with wr 80%, then 10 games with wr 20% thats not like true random works. Streaks of 5-7 wins, 5-7 losses? No way random.

          I feel that only way to minimize the damage done by this "sh..t period" is to pick stupid but OP carries like PA. Then you have a chance 1v9. With supp - not even tiniest chance if ur cores are retarded


            Usually win streaks result in lose streaks because u passed the mmr rating where u comfortably belong. There is no hidden or forced 50%. You're fuckin dumb if u think so

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              Underlord matches have nothing to do with anything apart from my team doing worse then me when I'm not trying


                i think thats why valve gives you loser teamate is because you can carry them


                  When you jungle, they say that they lose because you jungle. When you support, they say that they lose because you support. No matter what it's not their fault.


                    Well.. Being 2 hero in the offlane if your pick isn't aggressive annoying support for the enemy(lich/necrosis others), usually you just become the burden for the offlaner..

                    The offlaner will have low level, harder to farm or keep up with the game, and your team networth and xp networth will be low, because you can't disrupt enemy carry and better going to other lane pull or help mid/bot..

                    There is many aspect of the games that you can only learn by playing that role..
                    You will have new insight..
                    Like the quote in loading screen by valve..
                    "you will play better carry by playing support and vice versa..

                    The higher your mmr and game hours usually you will have better insight of the game..

                    Unless you blame your teammate and don't want to improve..

                    Or other tips is ask or meet some Booster mmr..
                    Learn from them..
                    If he can make 1k account to 5-6k, why you can't..
                    If tilted to play ranked, try play for fun with your friend in lobby or LAN..

                    You will see your mistake and when your friend remind you, you will not get salt..

                    Thanks for reading..


                      Don't exactly understand how I have to go 30/0 to win a game. If I die more than 2 times I've lost the game.


                        There is a comeback mechanism that your enemy exploit man..

                        Maybe try to not play jungle, and when one of your team play jungle you will realize how hard it is to give you space..
                        Especially if your team is outdrafted..
                        And sometimes you lose just because you come online too late in the game..
                        Sometimes everyone have a bad game..
                        Even the best player doesn't have 100% Winrate..

                        SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                          Win lane win game :v


                            win my lane lose the others. lose game


                              Valve still doing a consistent job




                                  Just pick shit that can 1v5 games like Morph, Slark, Alche, Storm or Invoker. If you are still losing 3.5k games with those heroes then you are genuinely bad at the game. I climbed to 6k on the same server as you losing only 4 games from 5.5k to 6k, it's not hard if you don't succumb to tilt to carry even the most retarded pubbers if you play correctly.

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    Valve why can't I carry as a support. Oh wait its a support must be a normal skill thing

                                    Valve why can't I carry 2/10 3/10 1/9. Oh wait they ended in 20 minutes totally my fault

                           Valve makes me carry against 4 cores by myself to win.

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      holy fuck nobody cares at this point shut up


                                        all your comments on every thread are useless ^ please stfu

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          delete urself from the forum please


                                            Blame your team, keep blaming your team, blame valve,keep blaming valve till you realize your one of those idiots on your team or even worse ,you are the only idiot on your team. Dota is fun game, win/defeat , flame/respect/fun game. It's just a game.
                                            Tbh. Im smurfing to flame and blame like your doing but wtf i got 29 commends for playing good sometimes if im on my good mood. Hahaha.
                                            Just keep flaming and blaming. Gl

                                            Donald Trump 2016

                                              Never! I always have to crush my opponents. Even at 4.5k+ - 5k+ you still have retards.


                                                Riki picker talking?


                                                  being not 3k mmr helps. your team is just as shit as you are, or as good as you are, whatever your perspective is. want a better team - play better yourself.

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                  Donald Trump 2016

                                                    4k Noob talking? According to this 4k noob Riki is so OP! Most contested hero TI6 and TI7. Better watch out. But OFC any hero is OP in the hands of people who are competent. Even detection and counterpicks do not work against skilled players like myself. Don't be mad that you are bad. Enroll in my university, Trump University, and I will teach you how to win at dota and the game of life you scrub.

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                      Riki is op? did i say this? Its just a hero picked by tryhards.

                                                      Donald Trump 2016

                                                        That is what you were insinuating with your post. Tryhard would be people picking strong meta heroes.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          K your dumbshit i c u cant catch up on me lets stop Here.

                                                          Donald Trump 2016

                                                            Yes, indeed I own dumb, thirsty virgin shits like yourself. Understand what you are talking about before you speak/type. Furthermore, stay in school because your English is worse than SEA players. WTF are you trying to convey with your last post? Git gud n stay in skool (i think you will understand when it is typed like this). Maybe one day you will be in my skill tier and get laid.

                                                            Vote for me in November and I will make America and Dota great again. I will block all these stupid shitstains out.

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              M8 riki is a Player very cancerous to Deal with specialy in a bracket like 4.5 k where your playing and noone plays Support and gona but 6473848297 sentrys. I like US guys talking about other ppls english how many languages u speak ? Oh right just 1 i c.

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                              Donald Trump 2016

                                                                LOL! 3k trash getting mad when I called him out? I thought you said you were going to stop responding. I am tri-lingual thank you very much. Do not be mad because you are stupid and poorly educated.

                                                                Obviously, you do not know WTF you are saying. No one buys sentries? No one buys dust? No one buys gem? Maybe the noobs in your shit 3k tier bracket don't buy detection. I've played games where the enemy team bought a total 50+ sentries, 30+ dust, and gems when they don't counterpick. As I said previously, "Git Gud". A mid-upper 3k MMR scrub has no insight as to how upper 4k and 5k MMR players play. What is cancerous is noobs like you spewing text out their assholes without knowing wtf they are talking about. Go back to playing tryhard late game carries kid.

                                                                If you decide that you want to get good at life and at dota, then feel free to enroll in Trump University. I'll personally give you a private lesson on how to outsmart your opponent and be a winner.


                                                                  If you went 30-0 every game you should be winning .


                                                                    You know im 4800 mmr? Higher than you actually.
                                                                    Just in case you care about this Internet points

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      Fresh new PMA Account here.

                                                                      Valve gives you a team they think you are on par with.
                                                                      Now listen up guys.
                                                                      The only reason you are where you are might not be because of your skill. There are players who deserve to be higher and have been;
                                                                      - unlucky
                                                                      - cancerous (meaning automatic win for enemy team as your team will not play their best dota)
                                                                      - a game you are not meant to win but if you do you get more than +25 mmr
                                                                      - not playing to their highest potiential

                                                                      I am a dota player who has been playing for a year now and I feel the only way to win if you feel trapped in your mmr bracket is to :
                                                                      - play on a different level than everyone else in ur games (through learning more from pros)
                                                                      - be a guy ppl want to play with (encourage ur teammates and praise them)
                                                                      - keep communicating with teammates unless they speak different language (u can still ping and to signal things)
                                                                      - ignore cancerous players but only mute if you cannot bear it.

                                                                      You will lose some games of course but if you win more than you lose than that is what matters as mmr increases.

                                                                      I have never made it to high skill games and I know why. I was cancerous and always thought of the worse. Just take a deep breath and know that you will probably never play with that same exact player ever again.

                                                                      I received 8 commends in my first 12 games because I played my best ever dota and told my team not to give up many times and we ended up winning most of them.

                                                                      Donald Trump 2016

                                                                        4800 MMR? Your current MMR is 3988. The avg MMRs of your recent games is a measly 3.6k. Let us entertain the claim that you are 4800 MMR. It is still not higher than my 5.1k+ MMR, unless in your world you compare MMRs like golf scores. Keep dreaming and maybe one day you will reach 4k and then 5k.


                                                                          Hahaha! I got really mindfucked on this thread *grabs popcorn*


                                                                            the truth is, mmr is an avg.

                                                                            ofc everyone doesn't know exactly the same things but their skill is on average the same.

                                                                            AKA, your teammates are as shit as your enemies and vice versa

                                                                            SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                              Where my 3k mmr players at fam


                                                                                They really arent as shit as my enemies


                                                                       just for you kyle. 2 useless se-a trash can clearly see who they are.

                                                                       Don't worry my LC is in the top 1% of players. He will carry me, But I guess I'm not better than the rest because I can't carry with only 1 other team mate.

                                                                       and the only game that I can win I have to pull some magical performance out of my ass because that's the only way I can win

                                                                                SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                                  Hahahaha thats really funny coming from Aus 3k, quit bein a lil shit and getgud already. Its not so hard m8 :3


                                                                                    Man some dark magic shit is going on valve. I ratted few ges and at mys kill level no one pushes so I won lot of games just by pushing. Now the enemies that I match up with always like always make bot to counter me. Damn. Its illuminati man I'm telling you. They are setting me up with people who knows how to counter rat doto


                                                                                      Still haven't explain why your SE-A friend did terrible Kyle and why the only game I win I have to do 60k damage against 4 cores with no tanks in the team

                                                                                      SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                                        You're playing with retards your own level so that must be the explanation why you cant win 3k games


                                                                                          thanks for calling your kind retards. But I guess you have to do 60k hero damage to win games at 3k if that is what you are saying

                                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                            no u just have to not be an autistic retard
                                                                                            u can climb in low 3k just by fping ur best core hero


                                                                                              you picked completely biased games towards your opinion instead of just listing the last 10 games and looking at them.

                                                                                              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                                                Still cant win 3k games wah T__T


                                                                                                  they are my last 10 xD

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