General Discussion

General Discussionwhy am i always sleepy

why am i always sleepy in General Discussion

    im not fat or something but i feel like no matter how much i sleep im always sleepy


      You play computer games too much. They overload brain.


        no im not even playing dota that much anymore/rarely intensively and even then i just pick lc jungle and go afk, im pretty much only sitting here lul


          ye thats a real problem


            Maybe stop jerking off so much to your girly profile pictures.

            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

              maybe i will die soon


                any physical activity??

                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                  yes thats actually why i said that im not fat lul i walk at least 60 min/day + work out every now and then + run


                    when ive been to the doctor with this issue he told me that
                    -u need to go to sleep no later than 12-00 and sleep at least 8 hrs per day
                    -u need to eath healthy food 4-6 times a day
                    -u were born tall and skinny and thats just how ur life is and will be untill ~30 y.o. just cz of ur body structure

                    plus physical activity, fresh air, and <2 hrs of computer per day.

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      If you are doing exercise try to focus on your core more while exercising, try not to stay in the sun for to long and be on fresh air as much as you can.
                      Stop smoking/drinking alcohol or coffee and if you drink coffee try to switch it with smth more natural like green tea.
                      Have a breakfast every day and eat the regular amount of calorier to move towards your ideal weight.

                      Thats it, this should help you.

                      the realm's delight

                        didnt u ask the same shit half a year ago


                          blue light from screens might prevent you to sleep - if the issue is having difficulty falling asleep, you should stop looking at any devices - phone/computer/tablet/whatever around 1-2 hours before you go to bed

                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                            yes i did, it didnt get better and iirc that thread was full of bullshit


                              just drink lots of coffee

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                -u need to go to sleep no later than 12-00 and sleep at least 8 hrs per day
                                -u need to eath healthy food 4-6 times a day
                                -u were born tall and skinny and thats just how ur life is and will be untill ~30 y.o. just cz of ur body structure

                                1) i do

                                2) what does "healthy" and 4-6 times a day mean? i probably don't have the healthiest of all lifestyles but neither the worst really, its pretty balanced

                                3) ye kill me pls

                                blue light from screens might prevent you to sleep - if the issue is having difficulty falling asleep, you should stop looking at any devices - phone/computer/tablet/whatever around 1-2 hours before you go to bed

                                i dont have trouble falling asleep but i just dont get the rest that i need


                                  if you are healthy, not overweight and truely get sleep. if you are always tired its probably your diet.

                                  but seriously, wtf are you doing asking for health advice on a dota forum? there's like a billion and one health forums/blogs/websites out there.

                                  you don't ask for drafting advice on webmd do you?

                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                    as long as webmd got dota players and im active there sure why not

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      you probably don't actually sleep well if you are playing dota before bed

                                      casual gamer

                                        run 3 times or do other type of cardio exercise

                                        and eat better I guess?

                                        casual gamer

                                          wait you said you work out

                                          idk, eat more carbohydrates or some shit


                                            I remember I needed more sleep to not be tired when I was a teenager / below 21 . Depending on your age you might need more sleep than you think.


                                              the guy said i need to eat a lot during breakfast, like rly a lot, even relative to lunch/dinner; and during the day - tons of meat, vegetables and fruits.

                                              also there is a thing that i came across in different kinds of reading, including couple of psychological researches.
                                              in short, the internet, current education system, and massive overpopulation in the cities cause deep stress, as naturally we are not supposed to get this much information and see that many faces everyday (this latter one sounds a bit weird to me). longterm stress results in the feeling of anxiety and apathy, worse memory, inability to remember people you met previously, de ja vues, depression, higher likelihood of psychological disorders,etc.
                                              the level of anxiety among current teenagers is 10-50x time higher than of the adults of the 50s.
                                              idk how legit this thingy is though.

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                might be a medical thing if you're taking care of yourself as best as you can. I know an underactive Thyroid can leave you feeling tired. There's probably other things that could cause it as well.


                                                  ^ actaully a shit load of things can cause it that's why not even worth attempting to figure out on this forum. I have been civilian medic and military medic , for 8 years seen about 35,000 patients in this time and i can tell you I've seen tons of things cause fatigue .


                                                    Yeah if you cant see an obvious cause in your Diet or Lifestyle then its probably worth going to see a specialist about it.


                                                      idk what the healthcare system in ur country looks like, but if u can just go to any doctor, the one u'll most likely need is endocrinologist

                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                            oh boy

                                                            -u need to go to sleep no later than 12-00 and sleep at least 8 hrs per day
                                                            -u need to eath healthy food 4-6 times a day
                                                            -u were born tall and skinny and thats just how ur life is and will be untill ~30 y.o. just cz of ur body structure

                                                            1. NO xD
                                                            2. NO xD
                                                            3. NO xD

                                                            and I sleep ~ 6 - 7hrs when I'm working mostly ~ 10 - 11 while not and not eating healthy stuff and neither I'm fat or skinny, but I don't feel sleepy unless I go to sleep @ like 6am and wake up @ 3pm or something xd

                                                            < blank >

                                                              Maybe you are just a boring personality, sry didn't mean to rek you so hard sry m8


                                                                you cant change ur sleep cycle and stay awake after 12:00 wihout hurting ur health, no matter how long u do it. ur body does not adapt to that.

                                                                it depends on what u do now and what u ddid in the past decade, too. my life was kinda fucked up during is period.

                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                    after 12 am, i mean; not "more than 12 hrs".

                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      1. Snack more, nuts and shit. Good food not shit snacks.
                                                                      2. Eat products high in Iron. Lack of iron contributes heavily to lack of sleep.
                                                                      3. Make sure you have a set body clock, don't have your sleep patterns at random.


                                                                        you should be sleeping now, in other words.

                                                                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                                            meanwhile im doing none of them and im completely fine like wtf


                                                                              not doing it wont kill u, it will just inflate the problems u alrdy got due to whatever reasons including genetics, life difficulty, general stress, etc.

                                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                                meanwhile im doing none of them and im completely fine like wtf



                                                                                  The past 6 years of my life I got 4-5 hours of sleep during week days and then 7 on weekends when my son would wake me up .recently however I find that I need to get 6 hours of sleep on week days think I am getting too old lol . I rember before I had a kid I would sleep a lot even with full time job and college lol . My sons getting older now though too so I can probs get like 8 if I wanted on the weekend OO


                                                                                    who cares, you get tired so what. youre getting older shit happens


                                                                                      geet a pusayyy

                                                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                                                        You being sleepy can be a sign of depression and lack of motivation, especially if you're not enjoying your hobbies as much as you used to.

                                                                                        If not that, maybe you're not eating enough, try taking a multivitamin pills after a nice big meal. (real food, not junk food, cereal, and all that)

                                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                          Hey what does being tall and skinny have to do with it? Lol

                                                                                          Sleep apnea maybe?

                                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                            ^ usually being fat makes u more at risk for sleep apnea . I actually got rem induced sleep apnea , don't know if I'll get payed for it when I get outa military but maybe I'll get partial payment . If I ever get on the fatter side I'll get tested again though for full pay I guess .


                                                                                              rem induced sleep

                                                                                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                                1. Snack more, nuts and shit.

                                                                                                Shit with nutty bits? Wutface

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  filty, 6 is not very much though, average adults need 6-8 just to function and probably more to feel not sleepy, so you're on the short side of average. I too have young kids, I am probably around 6-7 most nights but I feel exhausted all the time, I really need 8.

                                                                                                  and I totally agree life is more stressful and anxious now for kids but not cus of too much information but cus of social media. Before you'd have to worry about bullies at school but you could avoid them or if you embarrassed yourself you only had to worry about word of mouth or whoever saw. Now it's posted all over the internet. There's no privacy anymore.

                                                                                                  For us adults being connected 24/7 doesn't help the work day at all. It's really hard not to work when your boss is texting you about problems in the field at 7, 8, 9pm and bugging you to come in early. It's hard to separate work from personal life anymore.

                                                                                                  Families too. The constant connection with cells mean we are constantly bugging each other. No space ever.

                                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                  reaL stöge :D

                                                                                                    sometimes people don't realize how big part your nutrition plays in every day life.
                                                                                                    you probably eat junk food and other highly processed products and thus lack some essential nutrients in ur diet.
                                                                                                    do you eat vegetables, berries, fruits and so on? you might try to add those to your diet and maybe consider using some supplements such as zinc and magnesium before going to bed as they can give you better quality of sleep. and as mentioned before in this thread exercising regularly helps a bunch.

                                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                      Anyone know why I always feel sleepy after lunch at work


                                                                                                        U fucking dump shits feel sleepy all fucking Day cuz u play dota 24/7.