General Discussion

General DiscussionItem build for juggernaut

Item build for juggernaut in General Discussion

    What general item build should i go on juggernaut?


      Depends on what lane im going, If mid I start with poormans and tangoes, then go phase,drums,manta,difusal
      If i safe lane I start with tangoes,stout,queling,two gg branches then Phase, aquila, bf, manta,dag,difu,skadi. Another build that I like is Phase,Aquila,MoM,SnY,Basher


        Arcane so you can spam blade fury.
        Mekanism so you don't need to put any skill points in ur healing ward and can directly put in stats.
        Radiance for that extra burn damage during omni slash.
        Pipe of insight because it will give you more insight about the match.
        Blademail because your healing ward and mekanism will keep you alive and hence you will return more damage.
        Trust me works 100% im normal skill.


          But the combination with aghs? Is it really helpful in mid game?


            I mean aghs is okay.. but let me ask you this, do you want to spend 4200 gold on an item that can be countered by invis/euls/ghost? Or spend it on something more useful?


              Depends on the situation if i have plenty of farm i like to get a fury phase boot for more farming efficiency then sy dagger manta skaddi + moonshard buff.And if not i go to phase yasha aquila for early game and almost the same for late game


                Depends on game. Jugger is item dependant but not specific item dependant. Maelstrom into sny works. Vanguard phase into manta abyssal works. Diffusal manta works. MoM diffusal basher works. Manta skadi works. Battlefury sny blink works. Shadow blade mkb works. This hero is versatile as fuck. He can flash farm and even out carry most late game heroes, or he can take the mid game by storm. He can death ball push with healing ward, and he can split push safely due to q->tp. Hes the juggernaut bitch.

                Aghs is a waste of gold tho imo and RoA is a must pick for the early game

                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                casual gamer

                  treads vlads diffu + claw or bfury first into carry items yes?

                  dont go aghs ever ty


                    ^Phase better than treads on jugger.

                    casual gamer

                      thats what i have always thought to be FRANK but diffusal gives plenty of chase


                        But is a late game skadi helpful or abysal? Does the hero need stats or damage in late game?

                        casual gamer

                          skadi is good

                          every hero needs damage in late to some degree. he needs stats as well

                          u might see skadi abyssal bfly mkb ac travels 6 slot or some shit. items are usually situational and it takes experience to know what extension item you need most

                          some people buy crit, ive seen it in pro games in the late game


                            many ppl discourage building lifesteal on him. But boy is this hero an unstoppable man-fighter in the late game with satanic