General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting out of low priority - 1v9 :'(

Getting out of low priority - 1v9 :'( in General Discussion

    I swear this shit is impossible

    You get a choice of 3 shit heros, and have to play 1v9.

    I got bloodseeker, i got into the server 2mins late (due to dota crashing)..
    How in any hell, can you carry this game. I went phase, SNY, Radiance... as i needed AOE damage, into AC (so i can push towers) and Heart so i can heal through thier fuckn blademails.

    I had quite decent timings on my items, good farm.
    My PL tilted, then my Axe tilted, and my naix proceeded to spend half the game jumping inside me, instead of farming.

    My axe proceeds to report me, and get me muted... saying 'you should of ended in 20mins, you fucked around' 'you stupid, you end 20mins'..

    So, if someone can tell me or would like to stack to get me out of this hell hole, hit me up.

    *flips table
    *rant over

    TL:DR - Low priority tilted team mates suck dick.


      you know what's hilarious about low priority.

      everyone thinks in 1v9, the easiest way to win there is to pick a 5v5 support XD.

      brainless easy wins.

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          i was in a party stack, dced and they didnt pause (TPG went down). i came back and my team mates sold my items in a 72min doom game.
          After much flaming and many deletions of a Mega creep easy win, turned into a loss.
          I got low pri. - Never stack with normal/high skill players... They will flame because you aren't feeding with them.
          I came back from my dc with 4 more deaths and no items, so i just gave up and walked down mid.

          I normally support my way out of low priority.

          But when you join the game 2mins late, you get a choice of Lycan, Bloodseeker and huskar. you're quite limited

          I litterally spawn'd, bought boots, tp scroll, skilled thirst and got 2 kills within 5 seconds

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              Should have picked lycan