General Discussion

General Discussion3.7k in a nutshell

3.7k in a nutshell in General Discussion

    Really like, I'm not saying it's not possible to get out of 3.7-3.9k, but it's fucking annoying.


      there was once a guy, his name was K


        Well you should have been 6/7 slotted looking at the game time + kills, CS was a little low but i mean you were probably roaming for alot of the game and you were a slark so i mean cant expect 600+ cs maybe could have had 300-400 though. Yeah some of your teammates under preformed but you could have played better for sure.


          I could've played better for sure, I'm not saying I performed amazingly well at all.

          But coinsidering those people are 3.7k, they should be able to play at least a bit better than this.

          I roamed a lot, that's true, and idk, but I neede both BKB/Silver Edge, the only other item I could of bought was an Abbysal Blade, maybe?

          Hardly doubt it would change anything.


            Also, more I play here, more I realise it's actually all the same. low 3k, mid 3k or high 3k, these people are trash and in order to get out of this bracket, you just have to stay calm and play a lot better than them.

            Otherwise, you'll stuck here for a month or two, because, playing decently is not enough.

            Damn I wish I didn't tilt as I did in the past so I droped from almost 4.4k to 3.7k.. :o

            Need to talk,remove your ...

              Damn I wish I didn't tilt as I did in the past so I droped from almost 4.4k to 3.7k.. :o


              Fee Too Pee

                I also tilted and dropped from 4k to 3475. Try to chill win streak all the way to 3600. 4k here i come again


                  Sometimes there's a game we can't win.. It's normal still annoying though..

                  Still it's a lesson for the next game..

                  Btw I notice in my game there is a different in low 3k and high 3k, in low 3k u get a lot of space as carry/jungle..

                  But in high 3k usually to give the same space u need to sacrifice one of your teammate whether it's your offline or mid or support..

                  GL in your next game..


                    Did blood actually carry a 3.7k average game? Lol and I was pissed at how shit the hero has become and losing 2 NS games with him.

                    Dire Wolf

                      I mean that shit happens, you might be way ahead but lose one big fight, lose game. What I don't get is how players get to 3k and do the most stupiest shit like not be able to land a single call on axe, they afk jungle, blink 20 mins, always miss call, or I got a guy who randomed sniper first pick. Do you know what he fucking did? Bought zero items so he could save money for claymore and rush shadow blade. He bought brown boots around 12 mins when he realized it wasn't working, but still had a claymore and brown boots for 20 mins cus every time he got around 1200g he would die. I can't tell if he was trolling or not cus he had a huge string of losses.


                      But the picks in 3k are really dumb and everyone does cookie cutter builds, no variation. Alchs always go radiance, manta, oct without thinking about who they are fighting.


                        there was once a 4K guy who dropped to the dangerous trenches of 3k MMR but with focus and determination, eventually got back to 4.5k



                          Still u can look at this game as ur fault if u just played better that's a won game xd


                            280 lasthits with slark..and u had very low items butter and 1more was complete item at 55 min..u went boots of travels which gives 0 stats no finish abysal just 1 stats hp fu'cking trash go kil'l yourself when i was 3300 mmr and boosted to 4200 max 3700 mmr was easiest only hard was 4000 to 4200..fuc'king noob sh'it retard pleb


                              Smurf ^ can't talk shit on any one with a smurf profile lol. 38% ranked win rate.

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                @ min 30 167 CS Naga

                                That's some great CSing mate. :D :D