General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you guys think of my first ember game?

What do you guys think of my first ember game? in General Discussion
Dr. Banana

    Hi. Ember was the first hero on my ahc and I tried him. I read -broken-'s guide as well. I didn't do too well in the early game, not the mid game either and I did some split pushing in the late game. Some of my deaths were because of my stupidity (didn't let the remnant travel far enough). Item choices: I didn't get RoA because I thought I needed that perseverance early. After I got bf I got BoTs. Then I got crystal is>mkb>Daedalus>skadi>basher>sold basher>manta. Overall what do you think? What are your tips?


      SEA smells like shiet


        u usually build BoTs before the bf and either inbetween or after bf, you should get blink, that's the most common build. And if you buy crystalis you should always get daedalus after, cuz crystalis is a rather shitty item, if you don't upgrade it, also basher is not quite useful on ember, especially if you already got a mkb for stunning(except you need it for tp stopping, but then also get abyssal and don't only buy basher)

        Dr. Banana

          @IEATASS probably because you ate shit.

          @[PC.G.] Schnitzelbert thanks for the advice.


            i think making divine is better than manta,idk if its better or not in the condition tho

            Dr. Banana

              @[Y] I did think of it, but imagine what would happen if pa or sniper got hold of it.

              casual gamer

                don't get mkb on ember unless u need to kill someone with bfly pls

                edit:nvm they had a pa

                1 bf and 1 crit is a little low on damage imo? idk

                generally only get manta if you feel you need it for the dispel. i personally would've gotten another crit instead, especially if i went skadi.

                they have dp silence, but it has a really shitty frontswing and is easy to dodge

                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                registered flex offender

                  Another daedalus would have been better than the skadi

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                  Dr. Banana

                    @^ unless she casts from behind the tress. I do agree with you though.

                    @Cheese I just thought that if I could lower pa's attack speed, I could dumpster her. Thanks for the advice anyway. Will try it out.