General Discussion

General DiscussionArc Warden Nerfed TY OSFROG

Arc Warden Nerfed TY OSFROG in General Discussion

    With the illusion gold/exp feed arc warden wont be op anymore. Insta win rate drop to below %57 in +5k bracket is a good sign. I give another thumbs up for flux nerf. Nerfing sd illusions and fv's base damage is also good. Sd's Illusions are too op when u go hg. Idk 2 sec nerf gonna have big impact but its still a thing. Fv is currently one of the hardest hero to zone with such high damage and his q. If u get like cm first pick and enemy team gets fv it was extremely hard to rotate other lanes cz fv could kill u solo and pressure your easy lane by himself more than usual. Chrono is already op skill imo but now it should be harder for fv to get decent farm and create space for team in early so i like this nerf too.

    My special thanks goes to osfrog for keeping those cancer things nerfed. Gege wepe!


      Do you understand how broken the bounty is for him. Like what is even the point in the double now


        Its less than what level 2 necromicons give. And theres 2 of them. It's K but that's it.

        Gandalf the Racist

          My two favourite heroes Shadow and Arc, ignored for months at the bottom of the pick rates, they start to get a little glory and boom nerfed.


            Go pick another hero then Swirl. I wanted aw to completely removed from game like a week ago but this nerf is good enough. I mean what is the point of hero anyway except for some shit ppl who likes abuse bugs-broken shits to get higher mmr


              Luxon, 140 gold is good and this skill has still 30 sec cd. Hero fucks midlaners in laning phase so this feed might help enemy to catch aw. I mean at least it wont be like 2-3 ppl rotation mid for mothing. Most cases aw uses his clon to escape and he does escape many times and this is like huge space create. Now at least some gold and exp gonna make things more even.

              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                I'm actually satisfied with the nerfs, I thought they were gonna kill Arc Warden.

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  oh well, looks like playing the hero will finally present some challenge now


                    honestly you guys dont think that arc is op, you just want it to be even more underpowered so nobody picks him coz its annoying af. So you cry in reddit and here and eventually valve nerfs him. everybody would pick him if he was that op, yet hes 8th least picked hero with way below avarage winrate (%44 winrate arc).

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      Parte pick rate is low cz -4k players can't play micro heroes. Look at +5k stats. And what is wrong ppl thinks "hero is annoying af"? We are playing this game and we dont wanna have annoying heroes. And valve nerfs those heroes to satisfy its costumers. What is wrong in this?

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                      casual gamer

                        I think my boy fv is still ok even with this small nerf


                          Arc Warden was the hero who inspired me to try to git gud at Dota. But now, I don't know.

                          Preap Sovath

                            Still 3 digits most picked hero and be bullied :(

                            May be Last Will on his double may be his Scepter effect.


                              the game should be balanced around 5k+ and at those mmr arc warden was fucking op with 57% winrate so he deserves a fucking nerf