Secret need a space creating playmaker to complement rtz, like notail is to miracle, or bulldong is to loda
TFW I had the honor of supporting Beano on his trademark Drow in a low priority game. TFW he went into an autistic frenzy and fed after I took a last hit under the tower. Good times.
The point being what, that your panties are in a bunch?
I actually don't go to reddit that often so appreciate people summarizing post TI shuffles here.
yeah if you dont go to reddit ritsu got kicked from c9 before the disbanded for unsportsmanlike conduct. i mean what he did was on the level of bellechick or whatever his name is filming the coaches or whatever and watching for handsignals. he basically cheated. I would be really surprised if any organization would back him, at least this soon. i could be totally wrong. but people really hate ritsu. I mean REALLY, REALLY hate ritsu.
c9 is actually waiting for real results from kaipi till they sign with them, and ritsu aint goin in c9 for sure.
i could be totally wrong. but people really hate ritsu. I mean REALLY, REALLY hate ritsu.
correction: reddit hates ritsu
therefore he's based
this will be most boring post ti shuffle. who needs to shuffle except secret? eg ok, dc ok, og ok. alliance ok, liquid semi ok.
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They both removed secret banner from their twitter, rumor is they will join cloud9 with ritsu.
I guess the big question would be who is joining secret?