General Discussion

General DiscussionAm i an asshole :\ ? story time.

Am i an asshole :\ ? story time. in General Discussion

    if you are not picking your mid near the end of the draft your a fuckin nub. if youv decided on your pick before seeing the other teams draft and your own allies your a fukin nub. case closed


      protip: if you are deciding on your mid pick before the draft is 3/4 of the way complete on either side you are a pleb and should not be mid


        yolo sniper instalock mid 420 get countered by 5 people team sucks!


          The only part where you were wrong is that you assumed that internet people will back down from you. You were not wrong, neither were you right, and as said by others, I believe you should have been the bigger man and back out of the lane for the sake of the team and a victory. As frustrating as it can be, you just can't argue with idiots, I'm sure you know that by now from the amount of games you've played.

          PMS Mantra

            Welcome to Dota, you're an asshole
            You were toxic in a game of Dota.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              I have a game like that too i pick slark and ask to go mid but suddenly a player pick drow and did not say anything so i was fine (though there is no hero that can benefit the aura but its ns ayy)so i proceed to go mid and suddenly the drow go mid too i was pinging her the whole time but i think she is blind to i go to the offlane and farm. Then i just realised that the bs mid got 5 kill from the lane. Then she start to flame me and abandoned. And of course we lose. Then i met her the next game and she is on the enemy team. So i want to take revange on her then i pick slark mid(thank god no dual mid again) and proceed to make her feed end then game 19-2