General Discussion

General Discussionholy fuck

holy fuck in General Discussion

    I just had a game with a useless rubick.. just pulled for the first 10 minutes. did nothing but feed.

    and then my mid windranger talks shit and does nothing as well

    and then I had a void offlane. who may have used chrono one time in the game.

    Oh yea and to top it all off. a useless jungle np who didn't know how to play.

    And somehow I have to deal with these retarded idiots so often

    You see my name? Are you retarded? Yes I hate you.


      yea I went 0/3/0

      Yea its because of my retarded fucking team who didnt do anything to help their hard carry. yea they are noob. and I'm the fucking good one


        But I can't be 5 fucking players can I. you retarded idiots who decide to pst

        sin blyadi

          [править | править вики-текст]Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
          Tiësto4, Tallinn, 2007.jpg
          Основная информация
          Полное имя
          Tijs Michiel Verwest
          Дата рождения
          17 января 1969 (47 лет)
          Место рождения
          Бреда, Нидерланды
          Flag of the Netherlands.svg Нидерланды
          Музыкант, продюсер, DJ, дизайнер одежды
          Техно, Хардкор-техно, Прогрессив-транс, Прогрессив-хаус, Электро-хаус
          Allure, Da Joker, DJ Maikel, DJ Yves, Drumfire, Flowerchild, Handover Circuit, Paradise In Dubs, Passenger (2), Roberto Scilatti, Roze, Steve Forte Rio, Stray Dog, Tom Ace, Wild Bunch
          A3, Alibi, Andante, Clear View, Control Freaks, DJ Limited, DJ Misja, Glycerine, Gouryella, Hammock Brothers, Hard Target, Jedidja, Kamaya Painters, Main Men, Major League, T-Scanner, Taxigirl, TB X-Press, Tiesto, Storm & Montana, Two Deejays, Vimana, West & Storm.
          Black Hole Recordings/Koch Entertainment, Magik Muzik, SongBird, Musical Freedom
          Официальный сайт Tiësto
          Commons-logo.svg Аудио, фото, видео на Викискладе
          Tiësto [ˈcɛstoː] (есть как вариант Тье́сто[1], так и вариант Тие́сто[2][3][4][5]) (настоящее имя — нидерл. Tijs Michiel Verwest, МФА: [ˈtɛi̯s miˈxil vərˈʋɛst], Тейс Вервест (практическая транскрипция)[6][7][8]; род. 17 января 1969 года в г. Бреда, Нидерланды) — нидерландский диджей, музыкальный продюсер, композитор, а также дизайнер одежды и филантроп. Является одним из наиболее титулованных диджеев в истории электронной танцевальной музыки. На протяжении трёх лет подряд, в 2002, 2003 и 2004-м, был диджеем #1 в мировом рейтинге DJ Mag Top 100. Он единственный, кто на протяжении 11 лет подряд не покидал тройку этого авторитетного рейтинга, что делает его рекордсменом в этом компоненте среди всех диск-жокеев. Он также три раза получал звание лучшего диджея мира по версии International Dance Music Awards — в 2007, 2008 и 2009-м.

          Tiёsto не раз признавался лучшим у себя на родине, где помимо множества музыкальных наград и премий он получал куда более серьёзные почести. За свои успехи и реальную популяризацию культуры Нидерландов в мире, в мае 2004 года он был удостоен титула Рыцаря Оранжевого ордена — получив его из рук королевской семьи Нидерландов. В том же году, Tiёsto был включен в список 40 величайших голландцев всех времён. На данный момент он является самым популярным человеком своей страны, о чём говорят показатели в социальных сетях, а также одним из самых богатых людей Нидерландов.

          В начале 2011 года, популярный британский журнал о танцевальной музыке Mixmag огласил результаты проведенного ими специального интернет-голосования, по итогам которого Tiёsto был признан величайшим диджеем всех врёмен. Немного позднее, легендарный трек голландца Adagio for Strings занял второе место в опросе «Самых величайших треков в истории электронной музыки», проводимого тем же Mixmag. Вдобавок к этому, известный интернет-журнал Dancing Astronaut назвал Tiёsto лучшим диджеем 2011 года.

          В августе 2012 года, по результатам собственного исследования, всемирно известный журнал Forbes назвал Tiёsto самым высокооплачиваемым диджеем в мире, что ранее подтвердило множество изданий, среди которых The Wall Street Journal. По их оценкам, доход голландского диджея составляет около 25 миллионов долларов в год. Немного ранее, тот же Forbes включил голландца в список ста самых влиятельных звёзд планеты, где среди актёров кино, спортсменов и политиков он занял 84 место.

          В ноябре 2012 года популярный американский журнал Rolling Stone опубликовал список из 25 лучших диджеев, в котором Tiёsto занял первое место.

          Он также дважды был номинирован на самую престижную премию в области музыкальной индустрии Грэмми. Впервые в 2008 году, когда в категории «Лучший танцевальный альбом» со своей сверхуспешной пластинкой Elements of Life голландец уступил The Chemical Brothers. Вторая же номинация принесла победу легендарному диджею. Спустя почти 7 лет, 8 февраля 2015 года, на ежегодной церемонии вручения премии Грэмми, традиционно проходимой в Лос-Анджелесе, Tiёsto одержал победу в категории «Лучший ремикс» за свою обработку популярной песни All of Me John’а Legend’а.

          I HATE RETARDS

            I want to kill every single idiot fuck on this game.

            Fucking waste to humanity anyway since they can't even use their fucking brains




                tbh no one cares. Everyone has had stupid teammates, nothing you can do about it.


                  Im actually more interested in the fact that google is offering to translate the russian

                  The Founding HoLLoW

                    you tilted bro?


                      I'm always curious how people like this act in real life scenarios.


                        no one cares. go die


                          btw for anyone who didnt translate the russian it's a wikipedia page for a dj

                          I HATE RETARDS

                            oh yea. get lp games and then oh yea i get shit teammates like this last game. fucking this pl. 37 minute fucking manta. free fucking farm....

                            Oh yea the game before that pl was a useless fucking pa

                            Jesus fuck.

                            I don't understand why valve just decides to sit there on their lazy as fuck asses and does absolutely nothing to make this game better.

                            Like solo games are shit as fuck and the only good games are 5v5. Why can't it be good games with 10 solo people. oh it can't because 90% of the fucking community is retarded as fuck. oh i get lp because these egotistical fucking americans can report you for bad communication. WTF.


                              whats the purpose of this thread?

                              I HATE RETARDS

                                to prove that i'm always playing with the most retarded fucks and I don't even fucking understand how I can get them so fucking often.

                                Like my last game. alche mid 0/15

                                My necro and pl had 10 and 11 deaths..

                                Me... as the solo safelane ember spirit. oh yea 1 deaths.

                                Yea if only I had 5 of me. games would be so fucking easy.. but na. I just continue to get the most retarded idiots you can fucking imagine.

                                Legit might as well just kill them. They serve no purpose to society if they are so god damn stupid.


                                  ok, u r playing with the most retarded fucks


                                    That makes you king or the most retarded fucks.

                                    NAILED IT!


                                      The purpose of this thread is to show to the world that you are also the one that made them retard.

                                      I HATE RETARDS

                                        ok. I give up. you all are retards

                                        Optimus Drip

                                          i mean, what do you want us to do about it? shove a dildo up our ass?


                                            I'm pretty sure he wants us to give him a quickie.


                                              Aww.. Too bad bro
                                              You don't deserve this, you must be calibrated at 10K mmr because you are really a pro
                                              How dare volvo team you up with retards, by your skill you must be teamed with kuroky, cr1t, miracle, mind control
                                              I feel you bro, ban all retards!!

                                              Now you got what you wanted from making this thread
                                              Please delete it
                                              Thanks a lot


                                                another pro player. bumped

                                                The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                                  i think they were offended that you said you hate them. so they didnt want to help you

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    29 total games and 5 of them are already in LP



                                                      Considering there is a game you played in which four of your five teamates have a higher than three kda I think its safe to say that not all of your teammates are retarded fucks.

                                                      Player 175043649

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                                                        holy fuck
                                                        FUCK HOLY IN OF GENERAL DISCUSSION THE
                                                        I HATE RETARDS
                                                        I HATE RETARDS 10 hours ago
                                                        I just had a game with a useless rubick .. just pulled for the first 10 minutes. did nothing but feed.
                                                        and then my mid windranger talks shit and does nothing as well
                                                        and then I had a void offlane. who may have used chrono one time in the game.
                                                        Oh yea and to top it all off. a useless jungle np who did not know how to play.
                                                        And somehow I have to deal with these retarded idiots so often
                                                        You see my name? Are you retarded? Yes I hate you.
                                                        I HATE RETARDS
                                                        I HATE RETARDS 10 hours ago
                                                        yea I went 0/3/0
                                                        Yea its because of my retarded fucking team who didnt do anything to help their hard carry. yea they are noob. and I'm the fucking good one
                                                        I HATE RETARDS
                                                        I HATE RETARDS 10 hours ago
                                                        But I can not be 5 fucking players can I. you retarded idiots who decide to pst
                                                        HAV 9 hours ago
                                                        [citation needed | edit wiki text] - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                                                        Tiësto4, Tallinn, 2007.jpg
                                                        Full name
                                                        Tijs Michiel Verwest
                                                        January 17, 1969 (47 years)
                                                        Place of birth
                                                        Breda, Netherlands
                                                        Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands
                                                        Musician, producer, of DJ, fashion designer
                                                        techno, Hardcore techno, progressive trance, progressive house, electro house
                                                        Allure, Da Joker, DJ Maikel, DJ Yves, Drumfire, Flowerchild, Handover Circuit, Paradise In Dubs, Passenger (2), Roberto Scilatti, Roze, Steve Forte Rio, Stray Dog, Tom Ace, Wild Bunch
                                                        A3, Alibi, Andante, Clear View , Control Freaks, DJ Limited, DJ Misja, Glycerine, Gouryella, Hammock Brothers, Hard Target, Jedidja, Kamaya Painters, Main Men, Major League, T-Scanner, Taxigirl, TB X-Press, Tiesto, Storm & Montana, Two Deejays, Vimana, West & Storm.
                                                        Black Hole Recordings / Koch Entertainment, Magik Muzik, SongBird, Musical Freedom
                                                        Official site Tiësto
                                                        Commons-logo.svg Audio, photo, video on Commons
                                                        Tiësto [cɛstoː] (Testo have an option [1], and option Tiesto [2] [3] [4] [5]) (the present name - niderl. Tijs Michiel Verwest, IPA: [tɛi̯s mixil vərʋɛst], Theis Vervest (practical transcription) [6] [7] [8]; b. January 17, 1969 in Breda, The Netherlands) - Dutch DJ, music producer, composer and fashion designer and philanthropist. It is one of the most acclaimed DJs in the history of electronic dance music. For three consecutive years, in 2002, 2003 and 2004, was the # 1 DJ in the world ranking of DJ Mag Top 100. He was the only one for 11 consecutive years did not leave the top three this prestigious rating, making it the champion in this component to all disc jockeys. It is also three times received the title of best DJ in the world by International Dance Music Awards - in 2007, 2008 and 2009.
                                                        Tiësto has repeatedly been named the best in their homeland, where in addition to a variety of musical awards and prizes he received a much more serious honors. For his success and popularization of the real Dutch culture in the world, in May 2004, he was awarded the title of Knight of the Order of Orange - Get it out of the hands of the royal family of the Netherlands. In the same year, Tiësto was included in the list of 40 greatest Dutchmen of all time. At the moment it is the most popular man of the country, about what speak figures in social networks, as well as one of the richest people in the Netherlands.
                                                        In early 2011, the popular British magazine about dance music Mixmag announced the results of their specific Internet voting, which resulted Tiësto was voted the greatest DJ of all vrёmen. A little later, the legendary Dutch track Adagio for Strings finished second in the poll, "the greatest songs in the history of electronic music", held in the same Mixmag. In addition, a well-known online magazine Dancing Astronaut named the best DJ Tiësto 2011.
                                                        In August 2012, based on the results of its own research, the world-famous magazine Forbes named the highest paid DJ Tiësto in the world, had previously confirmed a variety of publications, including The Wall Street Journal. According to their estimates, the income of the Dutch DJ is about 25 million dollars a year. A little earlier, the same Forbes included the Dutchman in the list of the hundred most influential stars of the planet, where among actors movies, athletes and politicians, he took 84th place.
                                                        In November 2012, the popular American magazine Rolling Stone has published a list of the top 25 DJs in which Tiësto took the first place.
                                                        He has twice been nominated for the most prestigious award in the field of musical Grammy industry. For the first time in 2008, when in the "Best Dance Album" category with his sverhuspeshnyh plate Elements of Life Dutchman lost to The Chemical Brothers. The second nomination is brought victory to the legendary DJ. After nearly 7 years, 8 February 2015, at the annual ceremony of the Grammy Awards, traditionally traversed in Los Angeles, Tiësto has won in the category "Best Remix" for his handling of the popular song All of Me John'a Legend'a.
                                                        I HATE RETARDS
                                                        I HATE RETARDS 9 hours ago
                                                        I want to kill every single idiot fuck on this game.
                                                        Fucking waste to humanity anyway since they can not even use their fucking brains
                                                        NaturalCauzes 9 hours ago
                                                        bearcat06111 9 hours ago
                                                        tbh no one cares. Everyone has had stupid teammates, nothing you can do about it.
                                                        bearcat06111 9 hours ago
                                                        Im actually more interested in the fact that google is offering to translate the russian
                                                        [AoK] HoLLoW
                                                        [AoK] HoLLoW 9 hours ago
                                                        you tilted bro?
                                                        Salza 9 hours ago
                                                        I'm always curious how people like this act in real life scenarios.
                                                        GreeN-AiD 9 hours ago
                                                        no one cares. go die
                                                        bearcat06111 9 hours ago
                                                        btw for anyone who didnt translate the russian it's a wikipedia page for a dj
                                                        I HATE RETARDS
                                                        I HATE RETARDS 8 hours ago
                                                        oh yea. get lp games and then oh yea i get shit teammates like this last game. fucking this pl. 37 minute fucking manta. free fucking farm ....
                                                        Oh yea the game before that pl was a useless fucking pa
                                                        Jesus fuck.
                                                        I do not understand why valve just decides to sit there on their lazy as fuck asses and does absolutely nothing to make this game better.
                                                        Like solo games are shit as fuck and the only good games are 5v5. Why can not it be good games with 10 solo people. oh it can not because 90% of the fucking community is retarded as fuck. oh i get lp because these egotistical fucking americans can report you for bad communication. WTF.
                                                        TripleSteal- 8 hours ago
                                                        whats the purpose of this thread?
                                                        I HATE RETARDS
                                                        I HATE RETARDS 7 hours ago
                                                        to prove that i'm always playing with the most retarded fucks and I do not even fucking understand how I can get them so fucking often.
                                                        Like my last game. alche mid 0/15
                                                        My necro and pl had 10 and 11 deaths ..
                                                        Me ... as the solo safelane ember spirit. oh yea 1 deaths.
                                                        Yea if only I had 5 of me. games would be so fucking easy .. but na. I just continue to get the most retarded idiots you can fucking imagine.
                                                        Legit might as well just kill them. They serve no purpose to society if they are so god damn stupid.
                                                        TripleSteal- 7 hours ago
                                                        ok, ur playing with the most retarded fucks
                                                        Neko Gamer Soul
                                                        Neko Gamer Soul 7 hours ago
                                                        That makes you king or the most retarded fucks.
                                                        NAILED IT!

                                                        Tempest- 7 hours ago
                                                        The purpose of this thread is to show to the world that you are also the one that made them retard.
                                                        I HATE RETARDS
                                                        I HATE RETARDS 7 hours ago
                                                        ok. I give up. you all are retards
                                                        The Dumb
                                                        The Dumb 6 hours ago
                                                        i mean, what do you want us to do about it? shove a dildo up our ass?
                                                        Neko Gamer Soul
                                                        Neko Gamer Soul 4 hours ago
                                                        I'm pretty sure he wants us to give him a quickie.
                                                        Tyrion Targaryen
                                                        Tyrion Targaryen 3 hours ago
                                                        For Too bad .. Aww bro
                                                        You do not Deserve the this, a must you calibrated the BE AT 10K mmr Because you are a really a pro
                                                        How dare you up closeup of volvo team with retards, by your skill you a must the BE teamed with KuroKy, cr1t, miracle, yet Mind control
                                                        I of feel you bro, ban all retards !!
                                                        What's got you Now you wanted from the this-making thread
                                                        Please the delete IT
                                                        Thanks a lot
                                                        Tohka 3 hours ago
                                                        another pro player. bumped
                                                        The Best Girl Gamer (comme ...
                                                        The Best Girl Gamer (comme ... 2 hours ago
                                                        i think they were offended that you said you hate them. so they didnt want to help you
                                                        This comment was edited 2 hours ago
                                                        [Lk] .Zano
                                                        [Lk] .Zano 2 hours ago
                                                        29 total games and 5 of them are already in LP
                                                        bearcat06111 an hour ago
                                                        Considering there is a game you played in which four of your five teamates have a higher than three kda I think its safe to say that not all of your teammates are retarded fucks.
                                                        the Write the Preview

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                                                          oh my
                                                          apparently you need more than six characters so kjsdhgpqjhrgjhgjsdnfgkjafg;jknfgjdjfgnsdfngldnflgndlfngdn