General Discussion

General DiscussionTB jungle

TB jungle in General Discussion

    is it any good ?


      Farming jungler= lose

      But not in normal skill. You can do everything, if you are skilled enough.

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        yeah NS = u can carry with omni if ur good but i am not :) i want to :P had some games with LS jungle won 70% of them :/

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          not good, he doesnt clean camps fast enough to be an efficient jungler


            if u do it correctly, it farms pretty fast


              wut last 2 comments ?



                now u have 3 confusing comments in a row


                  many heroes just jungle faster i think
                  i mightve done something wrong but i got lvl 6 at 6 min with 1 efficiency death
                  10:30 lvl 9 and half way to 10 with yasha stout brown boots aquila and talon

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                    there are many videos about it on yt


                      used to do it before the illusion nerf. matrice did as well. good times man


                        He does not jungle efficiently. He needs more time than your typical jungler to get the "enough" amount of items to become useful. He can become easily picked off when he is wandering around jungle with low HP (which is what you expect to do, right?).

                        Those meme videos about TB jungle? Hah.


                          Needs a few levels before he can jungle decently. You can always try to get level 3 or 4 in the offlane and farm up an aquila then switch to the jungle. With level 2 meta and illusions and the +20 damage from aquila then it's much easier to clear jungle camps.


                            He can jungle very fast if you suicide after buying items early but you shouldn't jungle him for multiple reasons. Your midder can't clear his jungle stacks while creeps are still walking towards mid therefore cripling his efficency, Terrorblade has one of the best laning phases, he can't snowball with a single item like LC with blink/lothars which makes you a liability, your hard carry won't be able to clear stacks your supports stacked for him to not leech too much xp from lane, besides there are better junglers than Terrorblade. Junglers are very situational and usualy make the whole team fall apart despite a good start.

                            Before going jungle with any hero ask yourself would you be able to comeback in just a few minutes after getting harrassed by gankers, ask yourself will 10 min be enough for your items and will you be able to contribute to your team in any way such as ganking or pushing. LC is a perfect jungling hero and Terrorblade is a perfect pusher and a counter pick so leave him at that please.