General Discussion

General DiscussionThe power of trust

The power of trust in General Discussion

    I play a lot of offlane, because what I want to do is disrupt the enemy's safelaner and I used to worry that even if I disrupt the safelaner what about my own? Will my teammates be able to handle their lane? And sometimes they don't but I stck to what I set out to do.

    A few games I've played where my mid and safelaner are a total mess early game and I used to flame the fuck out of them and have a losing mindset. Now I just trust in them that they aren't completely useless and realize that they are just having a bad Start and also that they have some kind of sense deserving of the bracket we are playing in,I mean afterall we are being matchmake on the same game.

    At first things may not go smoothly at all or worse than that,the situations seems bleak but eventually the table turns.



      doc joferlyn simp



          tl; dr

          Ten komentarz był edytowany



              gg ez commend thx


                ok what u wanna say with this


                  im just trying to make the whole d2 thing less toxic i just had a game today where my es flamed from start to end because our invoker is an idiot and i kept telling him relax just do your job and we win, after that he immediately starts to flame me as well lol.

                  what im trying to say is that the game isnt over until its over, you can call me an optimistic fool, but i feel this d2 community could be a great place if egos were placed aside

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    I see that you post a new topic in the dotabuff forum. I too like to live dangerously

                    King of Low Prio

                      How cute this guy doesnt realize this game was build on the mountains of toxic


                        Hahaha you two..