General Discussion

General DiscussionSudden rise in uncooperative players

Sudden rise in uncooperative players in General Discussion

    Recently I've started to notice that more and more people are refusing to help out in my team... Anyone else? I'm dead serious, all 5 of them so far have the same exact mentality, they blame the whole team and just "stop" playing (Sounds ridiculous, but I shit you not).

    Here are the most recent 4, can't seem to find the 5th(it was a magnus).

    PL said leshrac wanted to farm in his lane, and just "stopped" playing lol... Refused to help out at all. And we ended up winning because the other 3 of us wanted to win, no thanks to him.

    Storm spirit this game fed mid, 0-3 in the first 10 min. Then said gg and he's done, although he picked storm after that guy picked puck so he has no one to blame but himself. He afk farmed jungle/lanes until I carried his ass and he got a free win. Another guy that refused to help whatsoever and replied with a .I. everytime I said something.

    Nightstalker this game refused to help out at all after he got owned solo off, he picked last and wanted off, again nobody's fault but his. Left his lane leaving void to free farm and went to jungle till they ended, and we lost. Just another *******. Next.

    Kotl this game. Offlane was the only available spot for him since he picked last and he picked a kotl. Fed his lane(somehow) and left it. He proceeded to farm the ENTIRE game and helped out 0 times. And we lost.

    LC this game. I swear I have never met anyone this terrible in my 5 years playing this game. This guy farmed jungle for 35 min... YES, 35 MINUTES. HE GOT 3 DUELS IN 42MIN. Surprise surprise we lost. He didnt say a single word until the enemy team started hitting the ancient, he said "you are bad". That was it, 42 min game and that's all he said.
    How do I keep ending up with these degenerates... I don't know. Please help.

    Ten temat był edytowany

      normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill normal skill


        Not everybody is a lifeless nerd.


          By generalising all normal skill you just proved vhs is no better.
          You are of the same lot just in different skill bracket.


            still more cooperation in vhs


              There are dicks in every bracket. It just matter of luck who you end up with. I met few but most were nice. And I'm talking about sea server.

              bum farto

                People are bored of dota, no one cares or tries anymore, why do you?

                The Unstoppable Phax Machine

                  Deal with it. Sometimes whining players just need a positive changing moment to start playing again.


                    I love how the majority are blaming me for how shitty they are lol

                    stupid fuck 2000

                      Sorry man but if you were any better you wouldn't be in ns after 4k games with a 49% wr. If you have idiots in your team (which is most of the time), you can still carry them no problem. If they're flaming as well mute everyone and play your own game. Assuming you're decent, it will work almost every time in this bracket. It works for me and i'm pretty shit at dota.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        I understand, but when you have people on your team playing against you... Like not just being afk, feeding on purpose, that's kind of hard to do alone.


                          This is because of the time of year. The Compendium always brings out the worst players who show up just for the hats. Just wait till after TI and it will blow over. And judging by the replies here it seems they've invaded this website too...
                          Not that the DOTA community has ever not been shit tbh.


                            H^ ki11 yourself.

                            No body begins a VHS player, you need to work your way up.


                              Yoloswag you k1ll yourself instead xD, still don't know who you are but get cancer and die from it.


                                I haven't noticed that many more toxic players, but I have noticed a ton more dcs then usual. It seems like every game has at least 1 person DC for at least some amount of time.

                                Was that last person really that bad? I mean, he was stupid. But he only said 3 words the whole game. That's not very toxic.


                                  I've met witch doctor afkfarming for 30min (he literally stacked himself camps and farmed it with cask and flamed whoever farmed jungle) to buy aghs, refresher, heart and shadowblade and then he just waited in fight with shadowblade used untill enemies were low and then popped his ulti, refresher, ulti...

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    Just try to stay positive, ALWAYS. I don't know how many comeback victories I had just muting that idiot and trying to calm down his bad influence on teammates, call your teammates to ignore the troll in your team and focus on the enemy mistakes (they probably got cocky from early stomp and they'll make mistakes, it's a pub).
                                    Just stay always calm and positive, try your best even loosing (you might learn something about the hero you playing and the ones you facing) and even if you loose the game, if you did well, you'll get to HS where you can actually kinda play the game.