General Discussion

General DiscussionSo much hate when picking Techies?

So much hate when picking Techies? in General Discussion

    I think it's a really good pick in some situations. Don't get why he get so much hate when picked. He's cancer for the popular cores imo.


      Hes hated cause he changes the way you play, I agree hes a really solid offlaner as you cant easily kill him with no risk to yourself and he sucks the money out of your supports.

      Hes not that good in the current meta as its high hp str cores with sven being one of the main ones which screws over techies thanks to warcry.

      the problem with techies is that hes not considered a teamfight hero which is wrong imo. He is pretty good in teamfights, an aoe stun, high aoe burst damage.

      but I can just see the assholes of dotabuff trying to say everything I said is bullshit cause im normal skill but whatever.,

      Isaac Pwnton

        Techie is one of my fav heroes...
        When I q up with my friendz I'm "allowed" to play him. As the others are pushing lanes or setup kills I'm doing the "Backup Strats" behind them. As they see they fail in their objectives they go straight back to my "Safezones". If anyone is chasing they are literally ded so.
        I used to play him often a few month ago.
        In late hes also good in tiimfightz if u buy scythe and utility items.
        It's just a matter of "luck" with your mine placements. - dont do the obv spots. Bulk ya mines up to a deadly damage - dont overdo it. - An eye can destroy ez your 2-3 minute afforded minetrap, which sets u back.
        And the most important thing is use ya Stuntrap whenever-whereever its off cd. It can change many sitautions even in "shitty" spots.

        The downside to him is that you just delay the enemie team in progressing so that ur cores need to use their space.:)


          Idk, people hate buying gems? In NS I just build bulky hero with stealth and Gem, Techies (and likely enemy team) cant do anything to me then.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany
          The Unstoppable Phax Machine

            Indeed. Fast purchase of gem and careful use makes the game vs. Techies end in half an hour or less.

            Johnny Rico

              Because people dont know hot to play him, and most of the time, he is a last pick, that disrupts more the allies than the enemies.


                Nobody likes a 4v5 1 and half hour game