General Discussion

General DiscussionBounty hunter

Bounty hunter in General Discussion
Mongrel Intruder

    So im starting to think of spamming bh to raise my mmr...
    im banning slark every match and 1st picking it if slark gets banned

    Im very confident with my skills in bh, i like to support but i think that tipical supports arent good in 3k bracket because they are bullied by everyone even if u are winning...

    How far should i get doing this? just started

    im 3.5k

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Hes been nerfed

      Mongrel Intruder

        he´s still viable...the 20/10/0 less gold from track isnt that much


          Bh nerf is too much if u trace from recent patches. But yea hes still playable


            kitrak made bh guide, somewhere in these forums there's a thread


              If you read the recent blog posts arguments were made why Riki is better than bh, you might wanna try Riki instead. No track gold but he disrupts the game more

              Bad Intentions

                Add the bh masta samp! aka the king of lpq! :D

                He cool mannn, he'll help ya out :]

                King of Low Prio

                  hope your teammates dont feed every lane


                    thanks for posting that like to that guide from kitrak. it is really good and represents what really pisses u off as a support when there is gondar on enemy team.

                    when i see gondar on enemy team i always share one sentry to my mid and place one in the safelane. as offlaner comes to lane invis gondar is with him, they immeditatly find the sentry and deward it since gondar also went with the -200 build. and there are no good spots in trees where u could hide a sentry. that really pisses me off. overall this hero used to be alot worse, than he is now. he still is a complete cancer in uncoordinated pubs where midlaners feed couriers etc. gondar with arcanes mek at minute 13 on enemy team. g fucking g